Random crashes on PC (Steam)

My game keeps crashing during Hunt matches online, seemingly randomly. KKFOS had the exact same issue with one patch.

I was in a game with Albert and he told me to come post it on the forums, so here you go Illfonic. Please fix this.

Illfonic you guys want the Crash logs or what???

the crash logs I’ve seen are generic, but if they showed cause by file path it would be easy to pinpoint


They are UE DMP files and some XML’s

but if you come across stuff that looks like this you are basically able to pinpoint associate .uasset that cause crash

Yes if you have the crash log that would be great!

Where to post/send crash logs?

Also, crash logs not always generated. Had a CTD this morning with no logs generated.

I crashed too on pc, i was just checking out the pred i customized in the tutorial mode and boom.

yeah I’m wondering this as well. Where do you want us to post the logs?

I also crashed out of every single game last night. Couldn’t complete a single one. Turned DLSS off and tried using default. Got worse.