2 predators in a match caught on video


How was this done or do you not know

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Its known glitch when u play private matches…

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Still means a 2v10 or 3v10 or 2v8 or what number vs fireteam is possible.


0:54 When you overslept for school and your mother knocks on your door.


I really hope they add these modes


But does anyone know how to recreate it

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Yeah if u play with friends in private match and you choose to be a pred then in the lobby u need to leave while count down started and then they need to invite u back to lobby while game starts


Alright, thanks

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Hellll yaaa

this is definatly proof 2v8 or whatever expecially since theres echo fireteam members starting to appear

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Yep, imagine having 8x snipers on one of the roofs on Derailed, one shot from each player and a Predator is down, sounds lovely.


Hah. Love it already when it happens with only 4 of em. When they know what they re doing… I literally cant do shit

On the bright side, when there will be 8 snipers in the same spot there will probably be 2-3 smart discs flyin together choppin some limbs…doesn’t sound too bad.

…But then again…what if they set up to be 4 on one roof and 4 on the other…omfg

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Can someone explain clearly how to do this ?

Ive wanted to see this glitch since its first announcment.

This made my day. 💚

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True but what if the two predators slammed them at the same time

I don’t think they would get in reach. :P

Can’t fucking wait!