About ppl who say nerf zerk

Not all of us rush and fucc up your un cordanted team if we rush where gonna be out of stanima if you know what your doing where gonna get our ass whooped I don’t rush and main zerk and the disc and play with my prey fairly who is ruining this class for others cuhz it’s just gonna give us a nerf


Beside that zereker got two nerfs
He can carry only 2 perks (before he could carry 3 perks)
They nerfed his bonus melee damage
Holy Jesus 2 nerfs on one class like come on


Omg predator players can’t take a single critism of their characters… It is hilarious. All of us know Zerk is buffed as hell but predator players are defending him like their lives depend on it. Chill, soon there will be no FT to play against and it won’t matter how OP the Zerk is.

You know whats hilarious? You with your typical random online casual comment who has never played with a good FT. Berserker is literally one of the easiest Pred to take down. The 'ZeRkER eAsY rUsH StICk WIpE" is common only against garbage players who don’t know how to deal with it. If you see Zerker rushing at you with a stick, dont shoot at him but take out your knife and parry him. While he’s in a hitstun from the parry - the other 3 lits him up to 2nd Wind. That’s how it works. Then, depending on how many melee swings he did before getting parried, in 2nd wind he’s low on stamina. If he tried to leap - sniper or assault rifle, revolver (you name it) guys - melts his Second Wind timer even further before he lands. He’s so slow that even Assault can catch up with him. Im not even talking if you have recon or scout in your team who does the rest of the job and chase him down to fuck him up for good. Even if he manages to heal up without being killed in a 2nd wind. A good FT will still be on his toes by the time he heals (that means he has only 50% of his HP) - and continues to pressure him and chase him because co-ordinated FT knows that he HAS to heal again right after 2nd wind. Be it a medkit or a pig. And goot FT will AWLAYS listen to where u at even if they dont have u in their sight Yet.

Explain how he’s “buffed” as hell when he:
Has the worst stamina consumption and regen stats
Got his passive class-based damage nerfed
Combistick was nerfed atleast two patches ago and now is universally considered between most decent FT players to be well balanced if you know how to parry (which is easy af).

TL:DR - Get good.


How much attention was I paying? I agreed to everything, then I read your name.

Yes, this is how we see Zekers. Bullet food for the Iron god. After the melee damage nerf on Zekers I’ve yet to meet one that actually posed a threat.


Zerker is buffed? I guest no because after patch 1.08 he must be agile somehow because he can get very easy to kill (rushing to whole team is ending bad)
I play 98% as FT (maybe i have on avatar Fem Pred but that doesnt mean i am predator main) and zerker is easy target when he dont think what he is doing. Maybe once i have fight where he kill us all but last guy was killed in last 20 seconds because he have hard time to seperated us (14:40 of intense trying to kill us all )
Zerker is easy to kill and hard to play him (low stamina and slow movement) really try be agile when you have skilled FT players

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Considering all the nerfs the FT got and all the buffs the predator got, yes! He ended up being buffed because of it. I agree that in the hands of a skilled player a hunter or scout does better but for the regular Joe playing against randoms he does better, especially on consoles, where leaping and smashing attack button as the predator is far more easy then aiming your guns and taking him down before he wipes peeps. Considering all this, you can’t buff him in other areas or he is going to steamroll unless he faces a competent team on PC and he, the predator does NOT need to be competent or to be on PC. Why? Because jumping in and smashing 1 button does not need to much skill.
This is a game that’s really hard to balance.

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Beserker doesnt need a nerf ft can do 1 its already had 1 nerf if anything they should nerf the buffs of fireteams n healing is a joke vs a firetime ive seen it happen to other people and it has happened go myself

I’m sick of hearing the nerf this… nerf that arguments.
Games never used to get nerfs. Any update was a bug fix or added content. (shit when I started playing games didn’t even get updates, you bought it and that’s how the fucking game works)
The whole idea is to fucking adapt to the game and work out how to play the build you choose (adapt it if necessary).
if you want to win every fucking game without a challenge then stop playing computer games, they’re not for you.


Doesn’t really matter how good a berserker player is, once they’re in 2nd wind it’s pretty much over unless you can leap somewhere the FT can’t access and that’s relying on the FT not carrying grenades they can lob over at you.

The berserker ironically is best used at range since they lack the stamina to perform hit and run melee attacks, if they go in for a melee charge against a team and they somehow end up all dying then that’s entirely on the FT especially if the zerker is using the combistick.


Zerker buffed as hell? Since when zerker got the biggest of nerfs with its damage reduction! So how you say that is beyond obserd


I keep thinking imagine if we had all this nerf a buff stuff in the days of things like AVP2 and unreal tournament

Thanks everyone for replying I like a lot of these

No, it was worse back in those days. Instead of “Plasma Pistol op pls nerf” is was “Plasma pistol OP, banned from server”


I can’t remember It getting banned but it was a long time ago, tbh that game was about the predalien anyone using that was always going to win you had to put alien lifecycle on just give players a chance. I absolutely loved that game though

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Zerker is a trash class in mu opinion l. Hunter is the way to go if you ask me. But ive been hearing that the elder pred class is the best now. I give it a week and fire team mains will be bitching about him and wanting him nerfed. I wouldent be surprised if that happend.


zerk needs omega buffs


since day one

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elder and hunter are so similar. If your good at weapon swapping mid fight elder is the way. The reasoning I think is cause there making more pred classes. Zerk just needs more perk points for his shitty second wind. The nerfs were to much plus he looks like a fat ass and his hitbox omg.


He’s supposed to be the tougher more dangerous class that every one wants a nerf on but doesn’t get lmao 😂

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