AIMBOTS Don't Exist in PHG

i don’t know about you…but I used Dead Eye primaryly. So no aim bots in RDR2 for me. Maybe in ONline but i never played RD ONLINE.

Again? I thought everybody was kidding about your age? 😄

So did they

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Lol the modders on there on PC use to snap aim assist to lock onto you with the nonstop explosions too.
Its very versatile.

I used it aswell , but in the options you can turn it up to crazy strengths , people just headshot you with the bolt action

WHY DONT YOU! You’d be the first, and probably get a million hits in the first day! Because NOBODY know WTF you’re talking about! IF THIS IS EXCLUSIVE TO PS controllers FUCKING SAY SOMETHIN! YOU ARE IN THE PRESENSE OF PC AND PS alike!

I’m talking about console 😁 without mods it was insane , so on pc its not worth thinking about

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Yeah I basically invented aim assist and founded console shooters.

IF this is something you go about in your day to day life, explaining something 1/10 people know about, i pray for you brotha. You’re going to need assistance! If you eat out of a mouth at the back of your head, god bless you.

If you use an adapter that imitates a controller you still get the aim assist with a mouse.
There’s no such thing as “exclusive” to an input device when adapters exist.

Killed Ranked Halo, Killed Red Dead Online. But mostly ranked halo because RDRO was already screwed by controller aim assist.

NOBODY USES THIS ADAPTER! Please, a link 2this adapter in ebay?!

You probably have two of them 🤣

this is where i start to think this thread is becoming non-serious.

I thought that was when the picture of the cross appeared?

you’re making the broadest claims here at this point. Its $200.

I’m sure everyone agrees to only use cronus and xims for COD, Halo, and fortnite and nothing else. Thats why they keep making them ofc, because no one uses them.

u muther BISHWASHER!

Better being a dishwasher instead of a potlicker

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I have yet to see an aimbot in PHG.


exactly my shit!

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How would you see it though? Out of curiosity