All right, screw it - here we go

Since day one bro lol


It’s not people who want the game improved being treated like a bad guy… it’s people trying to shame others, who have painted themselves as the bad guy.
If your victim complex extends to video games, maybe go talk to someone about it. It can’t be a healthy way to live.

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Fire, what ever are you talking about? I never complain, I’m always happy with this game, I never doubted that the lawsuit will have no impact on the new patch!

You lying slut xD.
Dev remembers.
Dev always remembers.


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I don’t pay for free things, but I am curious about what the new stuff is/looks like. 3 masks and 6 warpaints?

No one dose, and no one should - This was my way of supporting development ;-)

You have few new warpaints - just like the rest of them - some ok, some I will avoid like fire XDDD Good news is there is no bug, where the paint was missplaced on mask - their all working correctly. New masks are rebrether from Predator 2, looks nice and is kind of fun to use. You have the mask that Dutch 2025 weres on his arm. You can make some nice looking pred with that one, but its kind of large - seems bigger than the rest of them. Finally Mr. Black mask from Predators - a freaking masterpace of 3d art. The best looking mask in game and the most movie accurate I’ve seen so far :


I stumbled upon the Sony Blog post showing them all, and the thing that is crossing my mind is how the rebreather reacts to warpaints, because its like a third of a mask.

it dose’t - war paints cannot be aplayed to it. Funny how it gives you thermal vision and HUD, quz there is no visor XDDDD

but the other two can, right?

Can confirm for Mr.Black that it does work.

Can’t wait to not buy the FT crate in June

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Other two can, yes, however there is no paint that I find suited for Mr Black mask… that thing should just be worn without any paint, its so good on its own XDDDDD

We need an armor shader match Mr. Blacks mask

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Never mind armour shader, we need Mr Black armour! Preferably on Mr Black himself XDDDDD

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