Yup thanks for the W guys nice try but still a L for Zerk
The one man army 😂
Oh no he’s at it again… U DID NOT WIN ANYTHING
Yup just like Wolf.
Omg I’m fucking dead 💀
Tht was dumb that was a dumb joke
I agree just like how Zerk got violated by the pianist. I laughed at that shit so hard.
Wolf literally got spit roasted by the hybrid 😂
Wolf is legit lol
Ik based on lore mr.black would Mess em up
You have a lot to catch up on in this post
For reaalll thooo
He took him down with him plus ate a nuclear bomb.
Zerk got bitch slapped and pimp handed by a mere human.
really don’t intend to waste my time doing so lol, I said my peace and that’s that lol. I’ll let you younger folk fight it out haha
I’m just stating facts fellas but it seems the delusion is strong with you guys
Ur mentally slow not to be toxic we all love wolf but my opinion and fact stands that he will not win against MB Now stfu
Lol you mad bra? Get fucked bitch just like your Zerk lol
Kid Again I ain’t got nothing better tuh do wolf will be smacked around.
For those of you are still in denial about the matchup please watch this video before going to bed:
And again thank you for the W
I already told u I saw the vid and it doesn’t work inna match up against there stats wolf wins in a fight the YouTube’s thinks wolf would win.