Em zerk shot a wrist blade to stop the sniper from harming him eny more

Your saying that Wolf didn’t have any distractions like how Zerk did, but he did Wilf just acted to eliminate it that is the difference. Zerk just fucking stood there wondering why the fuck he couldn’t see Royce while he was running around in circles bitch slapping his ass with the warclub

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The fact that Wolf couldn’t even handle a slightly large alien shows he couldn’t handle Mr. Black’s shear size. I can guarantee Mr. Black is a hell of a lot stronger than the hybrid as well.

Now, tell us Wolf’s excuse for getting his ass kicked? I can’t wait to hear this one.

Em he was standing still to find an opening for a counter no other visions were working so he switch to heart beat and shot his caster at Royce and then his mask was smacked off so he had limited options and all would’ve lead to his dearh

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Wolf just got his ass fucking railed in.

For real tho

Wow here u are talking about size again.

Ok let’s talk size Adrien Brody 6ft Zerk 8ft and he got wrecked by him.

Predalien way bigger than Brody and Wolf took it down with him after nuke bomb.

Case closed your size argument is voided once again and again and again

Hey Apex quick question. How hard are you riding Wolf’s dick? Is it raw yet?

Quick question Idek how does Zerk’s cum taste

No no if they wrestled not to be wacc wolf would be slammed no argument

Once again Wolf didn’t take him down dumbass. A nuke killed it, but any idiot can look at Wolf’s wounds and know they’re fatal no matter what they do

Stop throat gagging Zerks dick bitch and take this L already lol

He doesn’t comprehend simple things

Now he’s gonna say Wolf was fighting 8 aliens at once

Right lmao

And a fucking wristblade to Predalien’s dome is not lethal?

God your fkn dumb

The hybrid was moving and stabbing him repeatedly. Watch the fight scene you seem to love so much. He basically stabbed it in the jaw. Look up the anatomy of an alien.

Says the person who said Royce can kill a Xenomorph lmfao please your too much get off of Idek and Zerk’s dick

Completely missed the fucking brain 😂