Dude nobody I plsy with runs it, except a few, but we still win a lot.
I dont consider it a necessity.
The only thing of prefer you run is bane, but I dont really care what ppl use, as long as they can pull it off.
And no.
If I see a zerk I think snack.
If I see a hunter, I don’t know what to expect.
If I see a scout I’m like fuck, hippity hoppity pred.
Most likely bow.
If it’s an elder, I think semi snack.
If its alpha it’s the same as hunter, it’s a variable.
City hunter?
Most likely might know what their doing since its pretty much the best at the moment.
And I melee.
I switch up.
Trying to focus plasma caster or bow only is not smart.
Not vs me anyway.
If you ain’t jumping around,
You’re going to lose your mask.
Plain and simple.
Dont matter how far you are.
So I love when they play range.