Anubis and Eye of Ra stats

The video YautjaSymbiote posted in his thread does seem to show there is more speed of the projectile than the regular pistol. The damage is a big deal though, 45 base damage compared to the regular pistol with 54 base damage. So you’re trading damage and ammo count for accuracy, doesn’t seem worth it to me.

yeah, not a good choice for a weapon at all. But I guess now there is some variety.
Is there splash damage?
I would at least like to have splash damage with this pistol at least.

Out of every new gadget they dreamt of I would like to have a special visor that instead of thermal, you have thermal trails and see if they can make something that shows a special trail of smoke behind FT members through this thermal lens.

Heat seaking drone mines would be boss too as it was in Prey.

Do you mind sharing specific testing variables?

What Pred class/specialization/perks you used
What FT Class/Specialization/Perk you used
How many FT players were in the match?

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Anubis -Savage
No perks equipped
Custom match
Standard Hunt without Bots
1 Fireteam player
Tested body shot, head shot, close range, and long range. 5 Splash damage starting at about 2m.

My thoughts on Eye of Ra: I would buff it to 57 damage. That would be the old starting damage for the Yautja Bow.

Ok. so that’s the discrepancy.

1 FT will have LMS. Don’t know if modifiers will actually disable it. Last time I tested half the modifiers were not working properly


Files state 7.5% increased melee damage

0.75*0.85(LMS)=0.0638 == very close to your value, 6.6%

considering dmg is everything on this game, nope

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It activates on death leaving 1 player. If you start the match with 1 player LMS will be inactive.

Makes sense. Since I test in game, all I see is 32 damage, 32/30=1.06…

You can try the eye of Ra. What I didn’t like is the reload time and the almost zero damage against the team even when shooting the head.

That’s because there’s no headshot damage bonus.

So is he like the queens husband?

Incorrect. It is active always if you load with just 1 FT, doesn’t matter if the “animation” happens or not.

Is a game function that starts when only 1FT is left. The animation is not triggered if you load with 1 FT but the effect is on.

Yeah, I don’t know about that, but do I care enough to double check, not right now. I may or may not return with further evidence. In the future.

Supposing that LMS were active for the 45 Eye of Ra damage, then the full damage would be about 53 damage which doesn’t seem correct either. 🤷‍♂️

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I’m pretty sure lms activates when there is a player team down or death, lms hasn’t been active on its own for a while and I will often turn friend fire on with a bot for previous testing

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at this point with this game, anything is possible

I can imagine LMS activating for some things and not others.