Anyone else have more than 1Million V?

I’m broke spent it on the new masks and getting epics…got 3

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I’ve been playing since launch.

I don’t have a single Predator trophy. 😞


Ok so when you get weekly and daily’s use that money to buy loot crates on the weekend and then open them that’s how I got mine though it’s not guaranteed like most people I tell it’s worth a try 😅

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I’m broke 😭

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2 mil, tribe! 💪


I just hit 1.8m V! 💪

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I had 1,3M , I spent for loot boxes until 800k and I didnt find anything good. They should remove the skins as yellow color and make them red. Yellow should be a guaranteed Predator secret throphy.

3 days 100k V?
I dont know GetToLaChappa!

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2.2, that took only 2. 🤓

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How did you do it?

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I’ve spent over a million V does that count? grinding out field lockers looking for trophies and Jungle Hunter mask since otherwise have all the cosmetics I want. Others I unlock from field lockers cool, but secret mythical trophies and jungle hunter mask is where its at

no…spending it doesnt count. and gambling it either. SCREENSHOTS of the total NEEDED!

But, why hold onto so much V?

I always run with a crew (except for a couple of solo matches to keep my skills sharp) so we make every game count.

If one of us finds a stash of vert in a camp/building, we always call it out. We run into every nook and cranny of the map before heading to the chopper.

The only time that we don’t is when a Predator insists that we kill him, in which case we make a mad dash across the map in search of the big bucks, and call out bricks for the others to get.

We generally don’t finish a match with less than 1k and often over 2k, if not 3k.

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So why aren’t you on my friends list! Do it now!

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But, why hold onto so much V?

Sometimes its,


Most of the time its

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Just hit 2.4!

3.2M atm. I spend around ,500k. Before I started saving.