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Is this not @Dexter s Halloween costume? It is his size (sized petite).

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Shrek vs Predator?

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Predator wins with a MK fatality

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Shrek would clap pred’s cheeks. If a predator can’t kill a fucken teenage apache girl, how the fuck is one gonna stand up to Shrek?

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Simple there’s no plot armor in this fight

Hmm… that would make it a bit of a close fight, but I still think shrek would win. Nobody can compete with the raw power of shrek.

Again, you’re on some lame ass gen z bullshit.
Shrek ain’t shit.

I fail to see how shrek is gen z. That movie was a classic, it had fucken Smash Mouth music in it. Fakken gen z is into all this period-panda bullshit. Honest to god, what have childeren’s movies become today?
(And yes, I still watch childeren’s movies - old ones when I need a hit of nostalgia, new ones when I need something else to bitch about)
And don’t even get me started on the shift in humor focus… I swear to god, if you say the words ‘frog is in the airplane, what will he do’ to a teenager, they will shit themselves giggling. Shrek had the good shit… it, along with all the other 2000-era kids movies, had just enough obscure adult humor to be enjoyable of grown-ups without warranting eyebrow-raising.

Fml I just spent 5 minutes banging on about fuggen shrek, what the fuck am I doing with my retirement?

You act like you have other people to discuss important topics like this with. Lmao.

Yeah, shrek is old. But eventually gen z got a hold of it and fucking ruined it. Same thing with shaggy.

Literally the only really good gen z meme was Ugandan knuckles.

Ohhh you’re talking bout the memes, in which case I agree with you - zoomers have completely fucked that up. But the movie… kids can do all the ret@rded shit they want but it will never ruin the movie.

And why shouldn’t I?

The movies were pretty good yeah. But the memes fucking ruined it.

Idk man, I absolutely hate gen z shit. It’s so god damn fucking lame.

Memes cant bring down my enjoyment of a movie most of the time.

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Oh yeah, and nazism ruined oktoberfest XD

In most cases, I agree with you: generally zoomer memes are hot garbage, and they are rapidly getting worse.

Honestly the fucking wristblades are making it look great for me however I agree that the belt armor looks like trash, but most of the armor looks pretty good except for just the belt, I do hope that we can get some fixes when he launches as well I don’t expect too much from only two devs working on the game.

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Honestly I doubt it

Rename the file to “game_crash.exe.bug”

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Will there be any dlcs or future content for 2023?



Just to name a few NECA predators.

Roman armored
Crusader armored
Big Momma

Machiko Naguchi (Predator)
John Shaffer (NYPD)

Hopefully not any DLCS

But maps would be appreciated


Is that speculation or is there a source?