At Level 100 instead of getting XP maybe give Veritanium

Title says it all really. Once you hit level 100 the game should award you say 25 percent of your exp as Veritanium when you complete a mission


Yeah, i’m lvl 73 and havent used my double EXP yet because i dont want to hit lvl 100…

I heard that once you hit lvl 100, you stop getting veritanium, and i’m not about that life… lol



Fully agree

Yes this would be nice.

Agreed. Veritanium is too hard to earn given the prices for gear. And the predator armor being locked to each class is crazy.

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I earned 399 veritanium in 4 matches lol…as FT lol

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Or… like in a game like Division, after max level once you earn enough EXP that would have previously leveled you up give out Field Lockers instead. Something…

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and I collected everything I saw… lol

What they said! I’ve been lvl 10p for awhile and it sucks to gain Veritanium, this definitely needs to be implemented.