I know right.
Gonna build a new Death Star after seeing that thing, maybe exterminate the Jedi again too.
I know right.
Gonna build a new Death Star after seeing that thing, maybe exterminate the Jedi again too.
The clowns arent jedi; we are something worse
The Jedi took the melon, corrupted the message. I seek to return to melon.
Please stop
All of a sudden the clowns are looking pretty good huh?
One of us! One of us!
Yes. Ban them. Melons are the superior fruit. You can make MelonBelly from melons, which is infused with void energy and can corrupt nullbodies. This corruption allows them to have independant thought and break free from the programming of Monogon. Praise the melons.
UP !
DOWN ! :(
Ban the Clowns, Melons, any other vegetables and especially MassImpact!