Best and worst predator weapons. Opinions of players.

I’m just curious about the general opinion players have at the moment on what are the best and the worst weapons predator has and why.

Feel free to comment, rank them, or tell us your experience with them!

oh boy my specialty

S=Bow - Net gun
Simply put the bow is the best weapon in the game currently it’s difficult to fight against and to track with the predators mobility
and the net gun is simaler to that though it does have the counter of knives but it’s CC is invaluble in most games
A=combi stick - Eldersword
combi stick still reigns king due to it’s throw dmg in theory you would never swing it just throw it for the sudden burst of dmg to down someone quickly
and the sword which was good before after being buffed it’s the single best melee weapon in the game it’s speed in swinging makes it much more difficult to parry compared to other weapons
B=Smart disc- plasma caster - claws
smart disc is viable now but it’s controls and it’s destructablility makes it difficult in using it over combistick which is superior in every way
plasma caster +claws they are average not much else to say the splash dmg is fine it’s a good ranged tool but bad compared to the bow and claws are better now than they’ve ever been a fine weapon
C=handheld plasma caster
this pistol is garbage it serves no purpose currently it only does 30dmg so in a shootout you’ll always lose with it it’s range is piss poor so you can’t snipe with it in stealth and it has no splash this is garbage
for this pistol it really just needs splash dmg then it could be good
but this is even more garbage the club is so slow no one should ever be hit by this the third hit requires some awkward hop that most of the time you won’t even hit the guy your aiming for let alone actually hitting someone when the attacks are so slow that marines parry it by just spamming knife attacks without a thought in their brains don’t ever use this weapon
unless they make this club do about 65+ dmg per swing it will never be good

might as well while i’m at it do gear too
S Medkits beartraps
i don’t have to explain medkits
Beartraps are a guarentee’d down if they get caught in it while it’s in your LOS they can’t be destroyed so the FT has to interact with them assuming you placed them well not much else to say

Audio Decoy it’s mostly the only tool you have to try and confuse the fireteam into thinking your around them even if your not sadly it’s countered by a perk but hey at least it’s not

B The motion detector
don’t use this it can be destroyed it’s countered by a perk and on the derailed map you can’t actually put it in a location the FT can’t get to in order to not let it be destroyed so one in 3 games this item is worthless
C we don’t even have enough gear for C LOL

then uh this was a tier list made by the best predator pla yer from the subreddit you can decide if you agree with it i do mostly so

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Hmmmm 🤔

(1) Thrown Combistick is my go to for silly damage. Just standing there 100% invisible and 💢POW!💥 Good chance of getting a down. Also as far as I can tell if doesn’t leave a trail to find Pred like the bow does.

(2) Disc does silly damage; throw at FT going for a revive and recall it immediately for almost always a down. Turn non-ADS sensitivity up to maximum for really good manoeuvrability when going after FT, especially when all are in the open. Preferably throw it from behind, when FT are all on the move following each other in a conga line.

(Worst) weapon for me is the war club for it’s slow cumbersome speed…it may be better now since 1.08 release however, I haven’t tried yet.

Bow is the best, Good damage, good speed, its at range so you can’t be parried, and it makes melee attack damage, so it catches people off guard.

Handheld is up there. Low damage, high rate of fire, high speed, very accurate except when snap firing. No trail and minimal splash damage. It provides a great ranged alternative to the bow, and because its underused, there are less people prepared to deal with it.

Netgun is also great, taking out one or two FT and denying parries.

Combistick. Good range, okay damage, multi person hits, and can be thrown if someone pulls out a knife for the highest damage.

Smart Disc. Melee, not great, but works if its already out. Range leaves you vulnerable, but its damage is very high, can hit multiple if used well. But can be destroyed.

Elder sword, high damage and dps, its speed keeps parrying from happening easily, but without any anti parry capabilities, suffers from someone who knows how to use the knife.

War Club. Meh damage, poor dps, telegraphed attacks to be parried. Useless unless you can switch fast enough from the netgun.