Best Predator movie


Thankfully nothing like that ever happened, I just have a really fucked up dark sense of humor.

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Herbert the Pervert is never here when you want him to be.

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Careful what you ask for.

How do we call him. This is a perfect time for him to appear.

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You must provide a sacrificial lamb in the form of a young child.

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Predator’s cast was iconic. Almost all of them were jacked as fuck. So many memorable quotes. Nostalgia. The Jungle Hunter was the most aesthetic predator out of all the movies.
You just can’t beat it.
I thought Prey was good but there wasn’t any memorable quotes and the cast was a bunch of nobodies. The brother was cool, but he doesn’t have shit on Dutch, Dillon, Blaine, Billy, Or Mac.


Hey @VoodooSucks67

I really like Pred 2 but it feels off just placing that one above others.

S: Pred 2, Prey
C: AvP
D: AvP:R
F: The Predator

S: Predator’87
A: predators
B:Predator 2, Prey
C: AvP. AvPR parts that include wolf
Z: The Predator


Prey is the best , hands down

Give me 3 quotes from that movie.

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Jh looked like he had a bad back when he walked around. That looked stupid. Poor guy was old as hell trying to have one last hunt.

But he was drunk.

If it bleeds we can kill it , i got to get me a horse and because they say I cant

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If it bleeds we can kill it. Is a tribute to Predator. Doesn’t count

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The best part was when she almost died to mud.

Oh it counts

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Epic tension , had me on the verge of pissing my pants

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