Bow too good?

Bows fine.

No splash damage and it has a tracers on the arrow to be spotted. You have to lead far shots, charge them for good hits other wise risk your spam shots being spotted.

This game isn’t very different from most FPS or Third Person Shooters. Its got basic controls and functions.

He’s probably just a good shot with good reaction time because he’s a kid.

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Not mention the plasma caster has an auto aim/lock on function, higher velocity, and can burn through someone for an instant kill.

I didn’t record it put i can put videos me playing with scout, without boring bow. I would use it If it wasn’t so lame. I play both fireteam and predator and as an predator i don’t use tactics which would piss me off as an fireteam.

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Ah, so you can’t put videos up of a 8 year old killing a fire team under 2 minutes.

Myth busted.

And if you don’t like using it for whatever reason, then simply don’t. The bow is a stealth weapon and still gives your location away with sound and visible trails. So it is fine. Actually, it is inconsistent as sometimes arrows just pass through FT players.

I can record one just for you my dear. And i don’t believe you either, everything you said is a lie. Record that arrows going trought ft

All about the Fireteam…

A good one will keep spotting you all the time and you will get punished for using the bow.

There is plenty footage that shows the bug of arrows going through FT when they are crouched.

Nice try tho, especially the kid story. Very creative.

Ive actually experienced this before. If you aim at the FT head while they are mudding up, it often can go through. If I had to guess, this is because on the FT screen they are standing while they mud, while for pred they are crouching. so most likely, the hitbox stays with the FT members camera, where as the actual model crouches over to mud

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Your mom is just a story which your dad made with his boyfriend when they adopted you. I say that’s creative. Make video of your dad not fucking his boyfriend or i don’t believe you.

Yall needa stop. Remember the pinned post on this forum.

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Yeah I’ll take that with a severe pinch of salt until I see a video or two. Either way though claiming bow is op is most definitely one of the more absurd things I’ve heard here. The predator gets rekt vs a strong team as it is and hotting bow shots is not easy. Yes I’m sure it is easier on console where they tend to run in a straight line most of the time.

We need cross play fixed so we can set your kid up with a strong team so they can see why thinking the bow is too strong is…not correct.


Aww trying to get personal with a mom/dad insult.

You got caught on a lie, get over it and man up.

No, absolutely not. The bow is fine as is. It takes skill to use. Period. I know this because I don’t have the skill to use it haha. I can’t hit anyone with that damn thing. It’s a precise weapon, unlike the Plasma Caster or Smart Disc even. Bow needs not be touched.

You said i am liar, thats calling up and it isn’t true, you started it so get it like grown up, faggot. And i didn’t insult your parents, it was an fact.

I asked for some proof of a 8 year old killing FT under 2 minutes with a bow to erase my doubt. When you said you couldnt, I busted your lie. Then you made your teenage mom insult.

Its very clear you are a kid, because when confronted you resort to insulting and name calling.

I’m done here, you are exposed.


Hey, fuck off. My Kid is better with bow than you

kid might be good or might just be going against trash players lol literally nothing surprises me when it comes to how stupid people can be in this game anymore…


Can I post salty topics now asking for it to be removed? You know, like the infinite spotting topics 😝 Because if an 8yr old is this good, I’m taking that inch and running 100 miles with it.

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Uh…when did this happen? This is such a troll topic🤣 Where do you stand on Target Isolation, is that in need of a buff? And letting 8yr olds play gore games isn’t something to shout about, that’s shitty parenting 101.

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