BTL sporting the Prey Predator, Showing off his DOMINANCE!

Nope not better just hacker trolls lol

Not hackers we are just better. You are like the weaktards that accuse me of using drugs at the gym just cus I’m better.


He’s like that other guy that was saying everyone wants the pred nerfed because he isn’t as good as others so they must be hacking or fireteam mains that just want the pred nerfed for an easy win.

Why you upset? If ain’t true don’t sweat it lol 😂

Lol and your the same lol also I’m Pred Main so that’s show how dumb you are that I want Pred nerffed lol

There’s only one op predator player around here and that’s @Madisyn_Skye who will destroy anything that stands in his way. Especially someone who goes by the name of “Blood Thirsty Lord”

I’m the same as what? I don’t complain that people hack because they are better than me. I never said you wanted pred nerfed if you actually read correctly I said you’re like the other dude that complained that everyone else wanted the pred nerfed for easy wins and faked their games as preds to win or were using hacks.

Ya and I said the same thing about you lol also you said something about a mayor…I didn’t get it

Well like I said I don’t complain if people are better than me or accuse them of hacks like you did. I main pred as well but I’m average at the game don’t have much time to play. So I know there’s many other people that can beat me in this game.

Autocorrect I’ll fix it rn lol

I wasn’t saying they are better, they are hackers and they are complaining about players that aren’t lol

I appreciate the humbleness (who’s the king of humble now? I forgot), but really mate, I’m not OP. If BTL played FT, yeah I’d likely win, I’ll give you that. But the dude runs cheap ass axe builds half the time on Pred, and solo I’m not that great at defending against that (I had a Mr. Black axer charge at me after two grenade hits, took a full clip and second winded, it was exhilarating).

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There is no proof any of us are hackers. Evidence of the opposite is all over my videos actually.


Thank you very much.

But yes he is as mediocre as you’re gonna get in my book.

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There are no hackers in PHG.

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Not going by your evidence

Look it up especially during the time where people were lowering the quality to see preds on tree tops there is literally hundreds of videos showing evidence especially when it’s Russian sounding trolls

That’s not hacking.

Your racism is showing.



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Appreciate the support here mate!
Hopefully once the Prey Predator DLC is released I can remake the build! No matter the class, I am the all time best, mates!