BTL sporting the Prey Predator, Showing off his DOMINANCE!

Good at least your helpful to this toxic community

Yes please!

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I was joking about the wisdom thing because you guys were talking crap about wisdom. That’s why I said lol


I find the toxicity the most entertaining, and partake in it lovingly. But if someone legit wants help with the game I’m more than willing to assist. I’m not a complete asshole.


Well My bad if you didn’t get I was joking but anyways not trying to argue. I really don’t care if someone shares how to get better in the game if you don’t know something but it’s he same way you can combo with the bow or even combi and disc. You have one equip the one you want and then just hit R2 or right trigger whatever you want to call it without aiming then you hold the button to aim and then shoot like normal. Just gonna take practice to get the timing right

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Ya that guys channel helps 😁 maybe you should make one to!

Can you video it to me via YouTube if you all give me your channels I’ll subscribe and periodically shout out on the forums for you like I do for Lordy because not only that I love you all but this franchise needs more love 😎

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I don’t really make vids especially since I don’t get too much time to play but ja5onP00lx13’s videos should help you. He’s a very good predator


I have videos up. Its not exclusive to PHG but I probably should make one that is.

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Ok thanks, maybe try getting yourself on the videos channels of people in the forums who play, you’ll get Star struck 🤩

Sure you can. I do it too if I feel like I’m getting parried too much.

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Ok send me link and I’ll make you famous lol ⭐️

@Anonymous.Voorhees13 has a channel, maybe he can help you to LOL SEE IM DOING THIS FOR YOU TO BOSS 😁



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BTL is garbage