Celtic Predator

Being ambushed by the most lethal species in the universe tends to do that to you. In these slain pred’s defense though, that particular alien was a monster. What alien even goes for a 1v1 vs these linebacker preds?

According the neca figure I have the packaging says he was the best blades man of the group. So really it’s just embarrassing to have such poor environmental awareness lmao

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Predator’s environmental awareness has always been awful though. Wolf has been the only one to not get ambushed by anything but guy fights aliens everyday forever.

Predator 1? Mud, Logtrap. Predator 2? Walked into a shotgun. Predators? Grenades, fire, and the pianist running with an axe. The Predator? Movie was bad I don’t remember other than poor guy getting yanked through a wall, missing his caster shot & the fight was over.

They tunnel vision during ego battles but they’re also too reliant on tech to see. Predator’s whole gimmick is getting outplayed due to poor situational awareness.