Completely invisible Predator

Did they prove to you that it worked well on the PS4 base? I mean lets not forget that an Operating System is an operating system. If every game on PS4 worked with PS2 Operating systems, they would say it did correct? They wouldnt advertise that it ran super well on it. But they would slap the ps2 logo on it im sure.

I mean did anyone run out and buy a Base PS4 based on the advertising alone? Did they really sell that aspect of it so enticingly that you couldnt resist the urge?

I know i did didnt i. But then i couldnt riff on ya the way i did.

Well…yeah they kinda did claim that it functioned when they released the product, allowed money to be exchanged with the intent of using it on a PS4. Otherwise, they knew it didn’t, released it anyway and well…you’ve seen the fallout.

It’s kinda like lying about the system requirements for a game. Wouldn’t you be pissed if you bought Cyberpunk and found out it wasn’t capable of running on your graphics card even though it says it is?

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See its stupid that Sony doesnt have the same hardware spec requirements the way a PC does. You can update the harddrive but thats pretty much it. Now PS actually has a number of weird hardwares that nobody really knows much about. SONY makes the call on that one and really has the ability to swindle people where as the developer has no choice.

SOny is where you roll the dice. With PC, you have options.

So i get your frustrations.