Linux is not used to play PHG, it is used to mess with internet connectivity.
Confirmed cheats or BUG XD
Interesting! I never thought about that what I experience also could be done on purpose - it seems that my mind has a severe lack of criminal energy… :))
Sounds like first-hand knowledge to me, as it comes from someone who even writes using Linux on his Twitch channel.
Yes, I use Linux as my desktop.
To play P:HG I use Windows virtual machine running in my Linux. I would love to use Linux to play game, because virtualization adds overhead. However the game is not available for Linux.
I am software engineer and I own company which develop software for call centers. One part of the software is softphone. We use tc to simulate various network environments because voice traffic is very sensitive to packet loss and jitter.
I am also expert in networking, while I was teaching network engineering we did research on various QoS algorithms and kernel timing accuracy with one of my students for his thesis.
I bet if you buy some lag switch box then inside is SoC running Linux using tc.
If you are trying to accuse me that I use lag switch then it is same nonsense like accuse weapon engineer that he is killer because he knows exactly how weapon works.