Going one level higher in the trees would work, until people realize that that exists, and then its the same thing. You see the biggest issue is that the fireteam has access to extremely powerful, scoped hitscan weapons. This means that at ANY range, the fireteam can fuck pred up, as long as they have line of sight. This also means, that pred, with his extremely ineffective stealth, cannot get anywhere near close to the fireteam, from the trees. So arguably, might as well remove the trees against good players. So now pred has to approach from the ground, which means that he cant get a big picture of where each member is, this defeats the purpose of the predator entirely.
If you think any predator needs to do anything but press a button to use their cloak, then you are wrong. The cloak isnt where skill needs to be focused. Its not about whether or not letting the predator stalk is op or not. It just is, he needs to be able to stalk, and close the distance, without having to worry about 2 sniper shots to the face, from a shot he cant even hear or see. Its about making the predator make good use of that cloak, forcing him to use it to scope out the environment, formulate a plan, then strike. Beyond that keep in mind, pred still has to manage energy costs. So even if we make the cloak more effective, its still gonna mean fuck all when he runs out of energy, and the sound of his cloak turning off gives him away.