Consider getting experience before asking for a buff/nerf

if you’re the pred, and you’ve positioned yourself to be within los of the ft, then that’s a mistake that you’ve already made. i would also like to say that if they allowed the pred to go one more level up in the trees, that would fix things without having to change the cloaking at all. other things need to be addressed far more than the cloaking. other than making you slightly less visible in certain situations, it’s not a major issue. it’s the combination of the other things that make it worse.

that being said, i still stand by my previous thoughts 100%; agree to disagree, but 100% stealth during any major movements is not good for balance, imo.

slightly see you? i cant tell if ignorance or just bias? do you even play the pred? i can see him all the way far off in the distance no matter where he goes or runs too like a reflective mirror and not even close to being invisible even stood near a rock i could see him. lead them too his traps. you cant force people or make them. its a massive jungle hello? people literally look in the trees and spam spot all the time. so the moment you move you get lit up …

Going one level higher in the trees would work, until people realize that that exists, and then its the same thing. You see the biggest issue is that the fireteam has access to extremely powerful, scoped hitscan weapons. This means that at ANY range, the fireteam can fuck pred up, as long as they have line of sight. This also means, that pred, with his extremely ineffective stealth, cannot get anywhere near close to the fireteam, from the trees. So arguably, might as well remove the trees against good players. So now pred has to approach from the ground, which means that he cant get a big picture of where each member is, this defeats the purpose of the predator entirely.

If you think any predator needs to do anything but press a button to use their cloak, then you are wrong. The cloak isnt where skill needs to be focused. Its not about whether or not letting the predator stalk is op or not. It just is, he needs to be able to stalk, and close the distance, without having to worry about 2 sniper shots to the face, from a shot he cant even hear or see. Its about making the predator make good use of that cloak, forcing him to use it to scope out the environment, formulate a plan, then strike. Beyond that keep in mind, pred still has to manage energy costs. So even if we make the cloak more effective, its still gonna mean fuck all when he runs out of energy, and the sound of his cloak turning off gives him away.

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I wonder how it would be if they removed all the sound queues for the fireteam when he cloaks, uncloaks, and changing visions. The thing is, in the movies, you never hear any of that when he’s around. One thing I would love would be if you could taunt with flashing yellow eyes like the Jungle Hunter did in the first movie.


I hope devs read your posts about balancing i agree with them.

Thanks man means alot. They are still wip tho. Im playing more ft to update that section

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The sounds play the biggest role in pred stealth being useless, because even when standing still and completely invisible, just about everything gives him away. The cloak should remain audible in my opinion, however, the vision modes changing, I agree should be quiet. especially since most people constantly flick thermal on/off multiple times to check for mudded FT


my point still stands; it’s not about making him more invisible, it’s about tweaking all the other aspects to make it less of an issue.

People keep talking about how the pred is supposed to stalk. And watch his prey. Follow them quietly waiting for the right time to strike. And I love the sound of that.

But with how short ft mission is, no matter the changes they do in terms of bluffs and nerfs would not give you the chance to do so. So if this is what we want we need at the bare minimum, it should take ft 20-25 min to complete their mission, and then extract. So if all goes smooth, they should be extracting at no less then 27 min or 30, depending on how long it took them.

Extract at 25 min if it took 20 to do the mission.
I think a bigger map would be needed. Plus slight decrease in speed for ft.

So what I’m thinking is if it was like that, if we so choose to, when we play pred we can watch them for 10 minutes straight, make them paranoid or lower their guard. It might sound boring to some. But I think that would be fun as hell. It’s like a mind game at that point.

But I think this would have to be a different game mode. For those who want a longer match. Cause I know most ppl wouldn’t enjoy a long game like that.

Just a thought.

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If you read my super post, you will see that I agree, and that all of these points were addressed.

I tried to read that man. But it was alot. What I remember was I agreed with like half of what you said. Il have to try and re read it but it’s like a book lol.

Lol yeah no kidding. I did my best to format it to the point that you can pick out topics and tell what section you are on roughly at any point. Plus it isnt just a wall of text, to kill your eyes. I added lots of seperation with the bullet points.

Oh no for sure you spread it out and made it look good, I just got impatient at a certain point lol. But ya, it wasnt awful, hence me saying I gotta try to read it again.

Lol I know man, dont worry I understood.

Good luck with the read, Finishing up an edit in the next few minutes.

I agree with almost all of this, except that perhaps it should be a shorter animation and he be highly damage resistant during it. Afterwards, he has maybe like a “warrior rush” and becomes twice as lethal but returns to regular resistance. Heck, make it in slow-ish motion so everyone has to watch :D
I think for me the only other thing I have issue with is the appearance of lacking strength. I would like if the predator hit slower, but much harder, to the point where he would knock a FT member on their arse. I’m not a fan of the wild slashing, it doesn’t feel like it has the impact.

I like the idea. Will add to my super post. Wait one.


When your post is so long you have to skip to the first reply to get to the edit button lmaoo