But you just showed the reason why you’re wrong first off if the Predator self-destructs you don’t complete the objective Ergo you lose whether you live or not
Crossed Off The Predator At The Very Top Of My List...Good Teamwork Prevails...
So you can sugDeezNutzYoChin
Kill the predator and survive any self destruct sequence how am I wrong it plainly says it crystal clear
I mean you must be kind of salty about being wrong good day pal good day
Stop the fire team from completing their objective and that includes by self-destruction Ergo you lose
Bro lmmfao ok man whatever you say but it clearly says clear as day SURVIVE ANY SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE THAT TRIGGERS lmmfao I’m done with you man good day
There are 3 ways to win on both sides any the one your describing is not one of them
Good bye
Good day injoy them L’s you will be getting
? I was just saying tell us who it is hoss relax
So if the pred explodes and you survive , thats a win for the pred? So the only way the pred loses is if you secure his body or complete your missions? I’m pretty sure if fireteam survive its a win? The preds dead and didn’t die by accident
No that would mean pred only has one way to win. Like I said if pred blows himself up you don’t complete you mission so it’s a win for pred not FT
I dont see how dying and blowing yourself up is winning If someone survives the blast? So dutch lost in the movie? How is that only one way? He either kills and claims , he detonates and kills the team or he makes the clock run out
So from now on if I’m pred , and just run in and arm my device and it blows , I win? By stopping them from doing the objectives im pretty sure that means the clock running out before exfil is complete?
no because it could create matches where preds dont even bother to fight and just try kill you with the bomb alone.
Fireteam wins if they survive the blast I’ve always thought that I mean how can you lose if you survive a blast and the predator was forced to blow himself up??
It’s Crazyboy bro
My bad man thought you were a troll with your comment you good bro
Ok hahah yeah was just curious
You can’t complete your mission when he blows up of course the game ends meaning any survivor is a fireteam win. That would be ridiculous if predator won that way man. Now if he blows up the entire team or remaining players I see that as a predator win.