I mean the MUST thing in game to have is being able to see in red when your mask gets blown away, good transition would be if predator gets his eyes blacked out and when he opens them he sees in red… AND also add option to remove the mask and also see in red optionally
Discussion: Predator Visions/Mask HUD
If my mask would be destroyd and my perception of the game would change to what we have seen at the end of Predatror… I would switch of the game XD I love predator, I’m a hard core fan, but his natural vision on earth makes him almost blind.
Yeah, you are right.
Well the red vision would probably look similar to the red layout when you are in lobby as predator
I can dig it.
I’ll be honest, having a more accurate Vision Mode, as in movies and 87, would be very confusing in the context of a Video Game, where clarity of every little thing is undoubtedly important. Ghost Recon went full throwback for their DLC with Movie Accurate Vison, and while cool, it’s frankly jarring to use after a while.
Well, i wouldnt say bring back actual movie one from 87’ lol… more like better colored one and have animated audio bar on side with sync on all audio in game + Would be cool to be able to change old to modern HUD od different huds from more movies n such…
Although one can make the argument that this difficulty to use Thermal Vision to go around your surroundings would encourage you to not use Thermal to transverse the environment, it then becomes a hassle to change visions modes for every little thing and by the time you have your sights centered, FT is doing something else at that point.
@Jaysus whats your take on this 🤔
P.S they still didnt fix predator online crosshair aiming charge thingy xD…
Normal vision is too good of an alternative to thermal
I thought it’s because the city was cooler than the jungle
redesign heat vision, make things that actually give off heat the right colours. use full range of thermal, greens yellows orange red and white. Now you look at the pred and he is red and yellow. its just a retexture and a bad one. Are the barrels even hot in reality? design a system where you can mark items of interest as predator and it can create an outline or something such as barrels, giving you more interaction with your vision, making it a gameplay element. I personally would like some blur on movement as in the first movie, this is personal preference, make it removable.
zoom. predator needs a zoom no 2 ways about it. maybe some fidelity is lost for balance reasons.
scan players, items and guns. can be a seperate vision mode, not necessary, but would be cool such as “want some candy scene” in pred 2. vision grey weapons only red. Scanning in a mode that would be different from tracking would make you stop and interact with identifying your prey while being covert. this would help if game times were a little longer. whatever just an idea.
make the heart beat sensor look like it does in predator 1. right now it is only cosmetic, the looped animation is just that a loop. it flashes based on on screen sound but is otherwise useless. instead of bubbles, make a revamped sound bar useful. make it be able to scan for voice lines, gunfire, heartbeat individually that you actively have to cycle for. it could also work instead of target isolation. so you zoom and select if you are searching for a specific sound and then the sound is amplified and you head in that direction. you still hear all sounds but it amplifies what you are actively searching for. heartbeat could be very close proximity and tuned only to get you in the area of a fireteam who is mudded up and hiding waiting out the timer. not to track them from across the map. I find the bubbles cheap looking and a cheap method of detection. you just sit in a tree and pan until you see them. they are pretty meh, that + target isolation and sometimes footprints is all we’ve got.
make taunts lines you actively can record as predator. now we have women’s taunts for example when there arent fireteam women in the match etc. or make the taunts actual movie lines. i don’t think they are very effective at actually baiting a fireteam with half a brain so give us some fan service. (if I had my way while we hold the taunt button and use the mousewheel we could change the pitch)
if target isolation is required use the triangulation scan from predator 1 when arnold throws the rock. this would be in conjunction with a fireteam sound. based on what sound you are tracking, fireteam heartbeat, gunfire, voicelines etc you can use the scan which takes time to elapse and function much as target isolation does. has a cooldown.
alternatively, use the triangulation scan on cold fireteam members who damage the pred. this could be an ability with a cool down or energy use or not and takes a small amount of time to triangulate the last known position not necessarily revealing the fireteam member if he moves.
allow predator to mark prey in order of honor level. if one prey stands out for example you can mark them yourself and have different predator language iconography indicating which is a priority.
heat in footprints doesnt make much sense so have a tracking system for footprints, one that either requires a manual scan or that doesnt show you all the footprints across the map from a tree.
hud elements should be in predator iconography. i would like a button to check energy instead of it being displayed. the predator could actively look at his gauntlet and then the marks show up on the hud. could make cool predator blippy sounds too. this may be too much i just came up with it now but i would love an interaction for the pred to play with his gauntlet for some reason. (thinking about it he should probably have to do this for changing visions, that may be too hardcore though)
Side note I think predator must be able to see in some sort of visible light spectrum the way we do. I don’t see how they could engineer precise electronics being functionally blind. how would they know they need to be invisible to the visible spectrum? they must have a way to detect it at least.
- lastly it could be cool for fireteam recon to have binocs which show predator pheromones like mentioned in predator 2. this would be a delayed ambiguous trail, they have to use the binocs to see it and cannot attack at the same time. it doesnt give predator’s exact location. could replace spotting. could also be used by predator to create ambushes. maybe boars give off the same type of trail for further ambush potential and not to make it OP.
Just some ideas may require heavy modification or maybe are dumb. The game time limit and speed fireteam can finish missions makes some of this useless but that should be changed imo. Anything which emphasizes a hunting, tracking, stalking then killing style of gameplay instead of one shallow way of playing. interacting with the technology we’ve seen and love in the movies to feel more like a predator is cool by me.different types or intensities of vision could be perks and you could have different predators set up with different tracking methods based on their playstyle.
I’m a proponent of different vision modes only having partial information you need so not one of them is OP and you can’t track and kill and do everything with one vision effortlessly. Alot of this is in service to predator RP (which is why i play) and not in line with the pace of the game as it is. I think an equal amount of changes should go into refocusing the RP depth of the fireteam instead of how mindlessly run and gun it is currently.
I’ve included some video and screen shots to show what I think actual thermal should look like from the avp 2010 mod, weapon scan and pheromone scan from the movies. More than any of these I would just take a better looking thermal.
and of course allow predator to take off his mask for extra glory.
So disclaimer on this one, I scrolled down and saw the pics of the thermal. That shit looks sick. I would love the thermal to have more detail like that.
However I still want objects of interest to be highlighted in thermal. Sure its not realistic, but the thermal having that purpose is important imo.
I would love this. But I have no idea how they are gonna bind that to controller.
In the guide you just Coffee2go commented on I have something like this on the thermal. Basically ability to scan FT loadouts.
The sensor was for more than just heartbeats. I think it was also part of the predators mimic system. Regardless I would like a little more functionality to it.
Id go one step further. Let me use mimicry to disquise my voice chat name on the top right as one of the FT. That way I can trick them on a hardcore level.
The sound system detection system as is right now, is very simple but effective. Realistically I dont think they could improve this anymore.
Also target isolation should be removed entirely. Its a very cheap way to do things imo
I like this idea, but there is currently no point to taking targets based on anything except how dangerous their loadout or playstyle is.
I think footprints should be permanent, and always visible. However, they should only appear after a certain distance from the FT. This is to prevent pred from following them directly to hidden FT members.
This would be cool but remember again, this is also on playstation, so buttons are limited for these sorts of things.
FT really dont ever need tools to go hunting for predator. IMO
If this were an AVP game it would make sense. But realistically preds only need thermal to hunt humans.
Yeah, he took his mask off in a meat freezer, so everything was already ‘cold’ blue.
In fact that is the seen that tells us that predators see in IR naturally.
I would feel bad for people who are red colorblind.
I wont say it looks cheap or rushed. It can always be better. If there is too much going on then its hard to play competitively.
If you look back at all other games using pred vision they kept it user friendly and at ease of use. The option for ‘detailed’ thermal and "competitive’ thermal in the options would be interesting.
So make the game 5 times as hard when u lose it mask

That is their natural vision, which is why I said it should default to the vision when the bio mask is destroyed.
You trying to make mask less unplayable
If you turn down the gamma the Predators thermal (at least to me) looks closer to the films and makes seeing the environment a tad easier. It might just be an issue with that but being played dark makes fighting the Predator a pain and probably why they’re reluctant to do night maps.
I wouldn’t be against new vision modes though. One thing they could do is an heartbeat vision where the mask is tuned into heartbeats but can potentially be overloaded by gunfire warping visual cues on the hud.
I feel more like the pred AS fireteam, than I do, playing the pred…
Something I think would be cool 🤔
How about some extra options for your vision mode
- Sonar
- X-ray vision
- A vision that sees only motion
- A vision mode that can see tech
Thought I’d post this here as well, because it’s relevant