Yes it can definitely be.
I need to improve my vehicle skills, I main Bossk, Palpatine, BB-8, Han, and Count Dooku at the moment, but tend to rotate who I main every once in a while to keep my skills somewhat sharp with the heroes.
Yes it can definitely be.
I need to improve my vehicle skills, I main Bossk, Palpatine, BB-8, Han, and Count Dooku at the moment, but tend to rotate who I main every once in a while to keep my skills somewhat sharp with the heroes.
I tend to stick to basic infantry but never turn down the chance to be boba fett
I main officer for the most part when it comes to infantry, for some reason I am good with the SE-44C.
My second is probably sniper
Many a naboo palace have been captured with that class
The marker pistol is pretty useful in that
Also I’m currently unemployed so I have nothing but free time 😎
Sounds good just got back from Lexington gonna go to the store and I should be on
I’m game
Do you have other team mates?
Good to see swbf2 get the love it deserves. Great game even better visuals
Ok I’ll be on soon
@P-willie2000 and @BadBlood Great playing with you all! I had an absolute blast with Ewok Hunt!
Got some clips should make for a funny video
I’m on battlefront 2 as well guys if y’all need some more teammates im already friends with half of you I think, not sure cause all of y’all’s gamer tags are different than names in here
Forsure man I was thinking about jumping on here soon