Experimental Squad Stream

NDI started out as a way to do IP video over local networks, allowing you to share video sources (webcams, screens captures, etc.) Over an established network with minimal latency and using a sort of matrix mixer (multiple video feeds and multiple video outs)

This is what I use at home when using multiple sources located in different rooms.

They have now expanded this to be able to be done over the internet. So the idea is that everyone feed their stream into a single server that can record/stream to twitch/youtube/etc

The greatest feature about the protocol IMO aside from its versatility, is the low latency it offers

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I know for certain there are problems with Zoom room latency to begin with just for comparison. One can easily point out how audio has such a high latency that in comparison to a simple 4 person Discord voicechat its horrendously slow - by that I mean so slow that you need to meditate between what you say and waiting for the guy to respond. Maybe its true …but i don’t know…could be 100+ms where it should be 20ms.

What are your latency numbers using OBS in a internal home network( in milliseconds) out of curiousity?
For some perspective:
20 ms is like hearing yourself speak in a reflective bathroom
1-200ms is like slapback echo that is so obvious that its disturbing.

One last question, where is the stream going to?
Is there one dedicated host to which this OBS stream app can stream to ? Like Twitch or Youtube which can literally publish it there after (which I assume is what you’re going for).

and what do you want to conclude or understand?
if latency is an issue using other applications, how are you going to prove (unless there is a benchmark application) the difference between the streaming latency of OBS and other platforms?

I wish you’d be able to get what you want out of this experiment because I get your problem. Latency of streaming from each individual. correct?

trust me, if you can show Playstation streaming latency, then you’re going to open a can of worms. Not only that, but if you can prove that streaming on PS can cause a shit load of problems during gameplay, you literally just went back in time to the beginning of the launch of this game where people were complaining, while streaming not telling people they were streaming, and getting a shit load of Illfonic bashing because they couldn’t articulate their problem or report the bug competently because most people who stream on PS are a bunch of douche bags .

One computer will handle all streams and (re)stream a mix of all 4 streams (in a 2x2 grid) to twitch

Internal latencies (local network) are about 25ms. I’m expecting that to go higher over the internet, but I already tested from my job to my home and the latency was around 200ms, not bad.

The problem with restreaming from other’s people live streams is that twitch/youtube by themselves have like a 10 second (that’s 10,000 ms) delay. With NDI even if the latency is 1 second, is still much better and can be appreciated. I’m not expecting perfect sync, but something that can work.

Of course you can always use render delays in OBS to perfectly sync all streams, but that’s a lot of (IMO) unnecessary work.

Audio wise, I’m going to feed just one audio feed (mine) that will include both Discord and the game (all other players games will be muted to avoid an audio mess).

I don’t experience the discord delay issues you talk about, might want to check your audio/network settings on both Windows and Discord, something must be misconfigured on your end.

I also don’t monitor the stream audio, as to not hear myself with latency. As long as the audio bars are moving, everything should be fine

Lastly, I have a dedicated PC for streaming, so my computer running the game will work just the same as the rest of the players, only difference is that mine is expected to have lower latency due to it being on the same network of the streaming PC

No i didn’t say discord had issue. In comparison to zoom, i"m sure discord is a blessing. I must have missed a comma (sorry for that). I just meant that zoom is like 200ms, vs discord which is like 20ms (this being very very good- of course the issue is the natural feel of talking which is different when you can’t hear yourself while talking and someone who sounds like a telephone and not a natural voice can make ppl feel uncomfortable while talking considering there is a strange muting that is audible. usually ppl aren’t setup to hear themselves through the headphones as apposed to a Joe Rogan podcast where everyone is jacked into the same mixer board and they can hear themselves through their headphones).

your incusive gameplay should be good. but you say you want people from the forums…or in general, other people outside of your network. i can’t say that it has ever bee a problem with latency…so if you feel the quality you have needs OBS then so be it.
i also wonder if this might improve the quality of not only the stream but their gameplay. IMHO i don’t know.

Welp, my only suggestion is to

  1. not use Wifi and use a direct RJ cable for networking your computers.
  2. If you’re streaming with audio and you don’t care if there is a latency with your VO because your Audio/video is syncronized then thats fine. otherwise if you see latency issues with audio and video you have a whole other problem.

other people outside my network

They don’t have to be good players, this game is so easy I carry everyone whenever playing solo pubs so, 90% chance guaranteed win in pubs, no biggie

No wifi is kinda obvious

Never had audio issues and I already use this setup to stream, so I don’t see a reason why there should be any audio issues if I am not using anyone else’s audio except mine.

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So how do you want to work every stream out? into one video? 4 split screen? or 5?

IS it possible to have one orchestrator to cut every so often to another channel to where the action is? or commentary it? That would be fun if you u can do this.

That would be fun. I can probably push 5 streams, though the layout may be awkward.
4 can easily be setup in a 2x2 grid

The whole switching to where the action is, is totally achievable on OBS, but we are talking automation here if I am also playing, so that’s wishful thinking. Only way I could achieve that is by having 4/5 people feed me their squad/private-match stream and I serve as a commentator/director of the whole composite stream, manually switching to emphasize a specific stream

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Well ideally, if this is the motivation, the cause and effect would be to split screen 1Ft guy and 1 Predator in a split screen if possible.
Then have maybe the guy who is orchestrating it (you or someone else -this could be even a non-player guy ) to switch to the FT player who is exhibiting the most action).

If that could be you, consider yourself a master at multitasking. But if not, and a 5th wheeler is there in the room doing this task or someone from another place doing this–i’m just not sure how.

From a spectator perspective watching this live, this would be the most entertaining.
What do you say to this? Could that be possible? a fifth wheeler controlling the cuts on OBS?
I’m still not familiar with the whole thing. I mean literally this is probably how its done in a basketball game.

we would need 6 people for that, 4 FT players, 1 predator player and one handling the whole stream (director)

I certainly would love to be the “spectator” director handling the stream,



don’t go there Ahab. Its not what you think. and if you do refer to this thread:

just promise me this will be a more Predator centric private match?Remember? like we did last time?
Its got to be a tasteful balance and not a DS feast for Rigtig because it would not be worth the time of everyone.

riktig playing pred is worth watching

nope… boring. even as a another player its boring to see him drop his pants and objectives to hunt a predator and thrust his mighty ammo pack at the predator and down him…with some other dude…in less than 30 seconds because “drama” unfortunately not that much more drama from the other players perspective…more like “facepalm…wtf…we were playing with him, you just take a tumble through weeds and building blocks just to thrust a gun right in front of him unawares at his head non-stop with macros on your pistol…c’mon. lame. Rigtig has spent more life on this game using macros and running and gunning and for no strategic team planning, just a solo bolo rambo…no good mofo.”

im sorry just ranting.

Predators were usually PS folk. so …

I just enjoy how people get frustrated trying to beat him.

Thanks for echoing that in you words

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go away

With which bit? The “get ourselves a brain” or “babies are animals”?

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we tried this last night and it was (sort of) a success.

Darkeye and me (Florida and Texas respectively) had about 300ms of delay between the streams. It was pretty fucking sweet

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