Explaining the current balance in this game to gf rn. (Come talk to lazys gf about balance)

Most people don’t use teamwork and suck ass as fireteam because they don’t know what they’re doing. I bet there’s a lot of people that don’t know about the command wheel which is a good way of communicating to your team without a mic.

If they add a fireteam tutorial and forced people to play it once before they start a match…well you’ll start to see a lot more randoms making predators struggle.

If you are like me you turned voice off so the fucking comedian we call command isnt talking in our ear every second of the match.

I’ll never take that off. I paid £6 for Arnie so I want to hear that sexy motherfucker say get to the choppa till the match is over.

Lol fair enough

Why do you have to explain this game to her? She’s suppose to stay in the kitchen, making BLT sandwiches and press fresh orange juice for you.

Only bitches drink orange juice. Thats why she gets the sunny D.

(Thank god she knows im joking.)

Communication is great when you’re in a party but when you’re not, you have children spamming the wheel alerting the predator from half way across the map, and don’t get me started on how loud the females voice lines are lol.

What balance has you confused? Just curious I’m not being a dick haha

So much. But im too tired to type it out. Ill give u a lil example though.

Why does the melee pred, with the most health, have the least stamina… And most gear? So hes forced to play at range… Like scout should be played.

Meanwhile scout, the ranged pred, has the least health and gear… And the most stamina. So he cant benefit from gear (which is usefull for ranged playstyles)… But he can indefinitely leap spam basically, making him extremely effective in melee ranges…

Same applies to ft. Why would you run anything but support? What does run speed matter when you can complete the objectives in 5 min anyways? Its better to just have the copious amounts of health and gear capacity for your team :P

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Theory: This isn’t Lazy’s GF. It’s his second personality. After countless posts of ways to improve the game and none of which came to fruition, he was driven insane and developed multiple personalities. He now dominates the forums and flicks between different personalities.

Illfonic, you’ve broken this man. Fix him by fixing your game!


Nah her account isnt working rn because the first 24 hours an account is made its got super limited replies. Shell probably chat on here sometime today.



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Deadass if they just swapped the gear/stamina alignments each class would fit their own playstyle better.

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Surprisingly I’m on board lol yeah zerk needs a lil more stamina and scout needs a lot of help



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Thats only the tip of the spear though. Theres a whole plethora of design decisions in this game that all add up to the clusterfuck we have now.

Like they broke you to love shaders?

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and Buff the Dutch!

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Yes. They’re good at breaking people 💀