Fairyautja was right there are cheats in P.H.G. ID. RiktigtRasig is a cheating

Pretty much any semi auto weapon it seems, that 1911 packs a punch and is pretty damn accurate normally when hip firing especially with the perk equipped so without having to worry about pressing the trigger as fast as you can while moving and aiming it becomes even more deadly than it already is.

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One clip can second wind as scout duelist, plus there are macros for recoil aswell

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You can use macros for any weapon, but that doesn’t mean they are effective. In this video you can clearly see he shoots at different intervals so he is not using a macro, also we all use the Action Hero perk as it makes no-aim shots with hand guns way more centered and also the no-scope shots with sniper riffles.

See, this is what we always say, most PS players don’t know what works, or what doesn’t work. We spend time actually testing perks and weapons. We also adjust our mouse sensitivity to where it suits our hand speed better.

We are undeniably among the best snipers in this game, but don’t take my word for it, come join us in our matches and you’ll see.

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@Courier time to break out the ban hammer on fantasmia 10.0

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Does anybody actually say that and they think it means something positive?

He shoots at different intervals? What does that even mean? Did you think I thought , that macros just empty your clip? Couldn’t he in theory have it set up to fire when the button is held? So if he took his finger off the button , it would stop? Genuine question

Well, that kinda defies the point doesn’t it?
Why waste bullets?
Just aim and shoot, if your target is in your face, shoot as fast as you can.

I gladly would , why would I be hesitant about playing people at a video game? Would it be with macros or without ?

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That’s a silly question, I’ve already said a million times the only macro I use is to escape the net faster, so if we run into a pred that nets me, you’ll see a macro in use, other than that NO.

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How would it defy the point though? If you had a macro that when you held a button (instead of tapping) it constantly fired ? Taking your finger off would waste bullets how? You have lost me mate 😁 . It would essentially be turning the fire button into a hold function for weapons that require tapping? đŸ€š

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Or you know change the Q4 into a super bullet sprayer lol!

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And I believe you , but it isn’t going to be a 1v1 is it 😁 . Plus I suck at the game , but I wouldn’t not face anyone at it

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Maybe I dont understand it , but if the net macro is an example to go by? You turn a button tap feature into a hold function? So the pistols in my mind could do the same?

Not really, I’m speaking for myself now, but I know a lot of us feel the same way. Rapid fire macros in this game are trash. Unless you set the intervals at maybe 150ms, but if that’s the case, just don’t use it at all. At 150ms that means you’re shooting 6 times per second, my 8 year old son can do that.

This thread is dumb


There is no proof like @Scarface_1983 said no macro was in use

Is there proof that one was in use?


Wtf is this? Who is this?đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ˜…

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