Fashion Grounds Jan 2022

With the new predators and scar cosmetics, and so many masks added since release, let’s see some of your most badass, creative, or unique looks for your predator lineup.


My Main. Ma’toii / Green / Dark Blade Scout

Just my Hunter Build I quickly called Huntress.

An Alt Scout design I have, Small Tusk.

A Zerk design I have to basically just have one. Never really play them because Zerk is trash.

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With latest customization only ?

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mmmyes, much fashion such wow

This really ain’t the game for fashion. Not trying to shit on anyone, but you really can’t make a unique look in this game. XD

Don’t worry about the negativity.

Loving the looks.
These are my favorite of yours.

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There’s definitely something about the Mr Black mask on Elder that’s so intimidating. All the bones.

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Finally a good topic.




Yea I Love It!! Except lately the mask has been glitching all weird on my Elder it just happens randomly and sometimes it fixes itself sometimes it doesn’t. considering the other bugs that are still around it’s not the biggest issue but still quite irritating from a Fashion Hunter sense…and it aggravates my OCD…😂😒

I’ve noticed the same on my Viking. The mask rendering will randomly degrade. 🤷‍♂️

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😲 oh so it’s not just me! I haven’t noticed it on my Viking but then again it’s been a while since I’ve taken my beefy Jötnar into the Jungle, hopefully they will fix it soon as I hope it shouldn’t be a serious bug right? Then again I know next to nothing about how coding or game design work so maybe it is, although it seems to have started at least in my case when my ancient Vizio 1080p died on me and I upgraded to a Samsung 4K, nothing crazy just a 40 something inch that would fit in the same spot as my old one, but ever since then Ive noticed some weird glitching on Pred visuals and whatnot, like I said I know next to nothing about how all this stuff works but that’s been my XP so far.

I think it has something to do with the last update, maybe because the code for the scar cosmetics.

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Makes sense, coincidently that was around the time my TV died 😔

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All my current ones

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Previous ones I’ve had redid a few since I didn’t have any screenshots

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