FT boringly easy

mmk yup that’s what i assume’d LMG has the highest dps output in the game currently the vector and the 3rd smg are tied for 2ndary weapons
and then the usualy sniper sort of set up
it’s good to know the on paper seems to hold up if it was to occur
thank you

now i’ll just bookmark this thread for anytime somebody tries to tell me fireteam isn’t op and predator mains just need to stop complain or the “but public game players are bad tho” when that’s not what i care about i care about the higher end of the game for balance
it’s nice to have something to point too

I was using bow, only ever managed to land 1 shot though as they always knew where i was so couldnt pop out of cover long enough.

Got a few plasma hits but always took more than i dealt or ended up hitting objects instead.

Got a down with melee but no time to claim. They were also doing the mission so its not like they ONLY focus on me and ignored it.

I mean i could have survived and just stayed back and kept trying to range it but its super ineffective and would have never got one before either game end or reinforcment.

Im really glad i had the experience because my mind was starting to think “oh, everything is balanced well now”

But thats only average pub games it seems ok. ahh i really am missing the good games where its back n forth.

ive had 2 games with a fireteam like this one of them the fireteam was just hunting me rather than the obj got obliterated only downed one couldn’t killl him
the other one they were trying to do obj i just happened to be their i killed 5 of them then died to the last 2
i had used everything i could even ran out of heals and had not enough time to wait for another 2nd wind
chopper was coming had to commit and uh that whole game it felt like what i was doing was the right thing but they just weren’t dieing as fast as i was

i only rely on plasma caster for my ranged dmg along with netgun or beartraps as i play on PS4 i don’t find the bow reliable in any way
otherwise i play a melee heavy leaping game i leap melee twice leap away always walking between swings to throw off melee timing if i’m feeling really confident (ie they are one of the 2 low hp classes) i go for a 3rd swing and get the down if i get a down i decide whether it’s best to shoot the kill or claim there otherwise i run behind things or leap around if they chase throw trap or netgun ready and repeat i always engage with either leap slam if their close enough or netgun if their in the open wilds or if there in a building i toss a beartrap inside or 2 to prevent some of them from moving course i shoot shots first before attempting it
i try to save a beartrap for reinforce so i can force one of them to die which i did in the other game and it worked but it costed me my last heal at that time
i have faced that 2nd team 3 times as it’s good practice and they have told me i’m the best melee focused predator they have faced thus far even though i didn’t win a single game

Yeah that’s true, i just tend to get stuck with randos that only want to split off and do their own thing

We’ll you’ve obviously never been matched against me.