FT Complaining

But then you’ll get the pc hacker fireteam and predator I’ve meet two that are predators myself. And one I got lucky and took down then he threatened my modem. I’m like okay lol. Then after 5 mins my modem stopped working for over an hour…

I should clarify - that’s not my video - it’s another member’s here who was happy to take on the known cheat* Fantasma_Jungla, but Fantasma chickened out like the coward he is.

*Video evidence has previously been posted of him using the hiding underground exploits to shoot at Preds without taking any damage himself.

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Don’t forget if you use any weapon at all you’re a bitch,
if you leap away you’re a pussy,
if you don’t 1v1 everyone you’re an absolute bitch,
if you kill them in a 1v1 you’re trash,
if you kill all 7 with less than 1k damage between all four of them you’re a try hard.

Basically you’re the worst person of all time if you’re not standing still with no weapons waiting by the FT ready to give them a win.

Buff FT, nerf pred.

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The first person insulted you because you’ve been known to cheat/exploit. You gotta understand if you’re going to do that stuff then you’re going to get negative attention. Really you should just brush it off and take no note of it.

nah if you do that you are trash too, lol

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If you’re not dead by before the FT’s chopper gets remotely close then you’re trash bro.

Я таких как ты ставлю раком пидор

but in all honesty… most predators just jump in and get melted like idiots. i guess they are used to do that and win most of the time, which goes to show just how easy the game is against randoms

I play private matches with a lot of good preds and the complain is always the same, is so easy it becomes boring for them. Then against us is too difficult.

But seriously on the trash talking, is just a game man. people will always trash talk the opponent. Being FT or Pred. I get equally trash talked by a lot of preds.

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I’d reword that as most people are idiots and just jump into the fray hacking and slashing or shooting at the ground and get absolutely destroyed on the first encounter.

I don’t mind trash talk so long as it’s all in good fun and you can back it up like if I melted a guy and their team in seconds I don’t want to hear shit from them calling me trash because they just got beat by trash.

Oh that’s cool I like that

It’s the state of gaming world as is. Cant change it because were all hiding behind screens with no real power. So if you cant beat them join them that’s what I did. And ya know I felt more at peace when i did lol

New one: you trapped the exfil location?! Wtf man

From a supposed leak from a upcoming update its spreading across youtube. There is supposed to implement a what I call bubble around where the ropes will be. Nobody can place anything on or near it. FT or predator. Pretty much put like a home stretch for surviving the ai and predator

Wait are you saying it’s the Pred fault for people being salty because they didn’t subvert the game rules for other people?

I think some auto speller got into your paragraph. Kinda confused. But yeah I have fun with the game and give the ft a nice calm match with some laughs. Lol. because I mean the predator is trying to kill them most of the time anyway. A change of pace is nice.

Meant saying

Auto correct deserves to be a victim of a horror movie

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Ikr so true

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New one today: afraid of a knife fight? You had to use the net gun! You’re trash.

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FT: throws grenades constantly
Predator: uses plasma caster
FT: how dare you


Ha hats a good one. I have no real issues with the plasma caster, heck you seen someone use a net gun? All I been seening for long time is just bow,bow,bow and guess what more bow…like change it up a bit man.