FT damage is ridiculous

More like a series of circle jerks

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Honestly I would characterize it more as crippling disappointment. Iā€™ve waited ten years for another predator game and this is what we fucking got? Wow.


Thatā€™s what im sayingā€¦ how you still have returning bugs and newā€¦ never ending circle jerk

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Something is seriously broken with Biomasks it seems. I was in a match recently and lost my biomask during a typical engagement, and remember feeling that something wasnā€™t right. I put it down to amazing accuracy with one of the heavy hitting weapons (SAWZ, 2XL) but seeing that last clip makes me think thereā€™s an issue with the mask itself. It certainly needs a buff to balance the latest buffs FT got in 2.08

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Small inexperienced team with ideas that are too big for what theyā€™re capable of

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I hear you man.

I havent played in over 2 months. I opened it a couple of nights ago, looked through the new FT specializations, and then turned it off.

I looooove viking lore and mythology but I hard passed on the new Pred , based solely on the state of the game.


Itā€™s the specialization where if the Predator steps in hog shit he loses 99% of biomask health

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Yea Iā€™d like that specializations perks for predator

Thats why Iā€™ve seen so much more alpha predators this week

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Yup i made the same decision a day ago to drop it until next update or till its fixedā€¦ i get random cravings for predator gameplay butā€¦just dont want to deal with itā€¦ and the wait time just to die in 5 mintues even though i waited 8- 10 minā€¦ tea then i get shit vertanium and xp so whats the point

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Nail on the head right there

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waiting due to low population lobbies

Tbh it seems like the FT had good eyes on you.

Check ya back after the next update man.

Iā€™m pretty sure you win more than you lose.

Canā€™t let these moments ruin the game for you.

Still understand the pain if the FT receiving most of the bonuses and toys.

Alpha and Sickle is the new Zerker+Combistick rush.

Yeah they did. Normally with my typical build I could overcome that with mobility. But nope, that doesnā€™t work anymore because Illfonic broke it. Again. Between that, the insane damage stacking, and the game breaking bugs, Iā€™m just tired of it. Why they had to mess with it like this after the last patch baffles me. I have zero faith in the future of this game. I donā€™t think itā€™ll ever get to the point where itā€™s good, because the developers simply canā€™t do it. Six months after release look at where we are. What more proof can there be?


but in hunt modeā€¦ if pred beats a decent ft hes really goodā€¦ end of stroyā€¦ Predator has to land so many shots to win it a damage to damage ratio always in favor of FTā€¦ predator has zero chance of winning if this was an esportā€¦

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Youā€™re missing the point Iā€™m trying to make. Beserker with CombiStick back in the early days was the most broken build which caused most of the buffs to FT and nerfs to Pred, and now the Alpha build is the next broken build. So whatā€™s likely to happen is the stats will show a heavy uptick in FTs getting killed because itā€™s the only build that can stand a chance against FT, possibly leading to more Pred nerfs and buffs to FT. Because thatā€™s the backwards logic of this game thusfar demonstrated by the Devs.

its not broken
arnold 87 hipfire 50 cal/ hp and knife dmg = 1.5 sec dead pred.

Youā€™re actually just whining dude. Your play style itself is mediocre to mid level at BEST. You got outplayed by what ended up being a two man team. Your perk choice is atrocious. Why do you need extra heals and quicker heals? Your Loadout literally is EXPECTING to get melted.

Try throwing your combistick and hitting them and jumping away instead of spamming R2. Use invisibility and combistick to nail the guy getting him up. Thereā€™s honestly so much I would have done differently that I just laugh that you ended up rage quitting cause your mask got shot off! Haha hahah biggest baby move ever bro. Glad you deleted the game.

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Not much patience you can have when most objs are done in 3 minutes, and you havenā€™t played pred you only play FT so your advice men nothing, plusā€™s when has a losing screen tip given real good advice to somebody that has played the game for over a day.