Gladiator Predator is here!

Too much? yea, hes probably into big russian dudes. I don’t have a chance.

thanks for the essay dude, i enjoyed annoying you today

but again i had to read it a few times to fully understand it due to illfonics ball sack taking up
most of the space in your mouth

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good times all around.

Happy holidays my man




yea dead pigs despawn now, you at illfonic are idiots


This is fucking insane, what the hell

@IllFonic fix this bullshit right now.

Illfonic dev tester: *plays public match
Potato 8yo kid random FT: *chases and kills pig at beginning of the match
Illfonic dev tester: “why the hell is this guy helping the Pred?”
Illfonic: Fixed an issue bla bla bla


yeah that sounds about right

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Jesus 😄

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Illfonic looking for fixes


I just read most of this forum and I also hate illfonic the only dlc I liked was the Viking predator but god 4 years of the same shit no fixes no actual updates that impact gameplay and reskins called dlcs but can someone explain to me that to my knowledge this game made money but where the fuck did it go so is it like dads take the milk and go or did they waste it on the clown game I don’t know 🤷

Oh also since these dumbfucks at illfonic don’t read the forums on their own sit I say fuck you illfucknic ok now I’m done

well said brother

I LIKE this guy

Ok a parry for predator would be sick. A bit of their own medicine

It has been snowing heavily in the area where I live.


I hope everyone has a great end of the year~⚪



Common illfonics get a alien planet made man with the 3 predators hunting the soldiers and other species getting dropped from a plane in a crate and landing on the planet. Get to the other soldiers and get to trapped hung up predator and release him collect his tech and team up with it and kill the 3 preds then to get the ship and fuck off home we need this it would be epic and get dutch and the other dude can’t mind his name who defeats the predator on predators. It’s a big ask but that would be insanely good people would buy things and you’d make yer money. You have the predators made so people can select 3 predators to get hunted by. This jungle is getting so tedious as hell man. We need something else in it. Its needed it’s a MASSIVE ASK THIS but it’s insanely needed to be added it would be soooooooooooo good. And please make it quickly ITS SO FRUSTRATING COS ITS SUCH A BRILLIANT IDEA TO HAVE IN YOUR GAME. I love the game pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase add it in. ASAP we are choking for a change in the game and this is ducking class if it where added.