Hammerhead is the best. Good damage at all ranges, little to no recoil and a grenade launcher that damages predator for 1/5 of his hp and blinds him as well. Merc isnt good bcs you cant put any sights on it and can’t have an extended mag, tho I think it’s one of the best looking guns.


James Cameron.


Not any better than almost any assault rifle or SMG at close range, but huge disadvantage with weapon swap speed, inaccuracy, and mobility. It’s not a viable weapon.

Tbh Merc and Hammerhead are most reliable in all ranges, with Grenade launcher as well it kinda makes them somewhat better, but hands down AR-W in close range.


The rest are, whatever. Merc is… eh… bad if you’re on PC and you can actually aim. If you’re on a controller, I can see why you would use it. Its the same with the rocket launcher, had no idea why would anyone use it and then… Oh right, console players with a controller… Same reason why so many PS players need the HUGE plasma caster explosion range.

Minigun, don’t EVER use it if the predator is any good. You just make yourself into a huge target.

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And who needs 1v1 damage on ft?
Oh right ft main scrubs.


A lot of my casually friends use the both launchers and mini guns

Depends, if I run into you (not that you keep crossplay on) and I have a halfdecent team… I don’t think I would need any of the meta weapons(never played you so who knows), now if I run into someone like Dan or Sharpy… Yes I will and so would you.
That said I have no clue what this has to do with ranking weapons? Do you go around telling predators that use the scythe or elder sword over something like the club or that crap axe they are scrubs? Probably not, you’re far to busy constantly complaining about FT.

And for the record when I hit that que as I do (no premade) the only one I know I can count on from the start is just me, far to many potatoes in this game. Do you have any ideas how many games I had to solo the predator because my team does nothing? But again, WTF does this has to do with a weapon being better then another or how certain weapons on BOTH sides are just shit? You just felt you had a need to jump on my ass and needed a reason?

That does not make them good. IF you can aim you’re far better off with a sniper or a AR over the rocket launcher and if you end up facing a GOOD predator that constantly leaps around and shoots arrows, GL landing blows fast enough to do anything before he kills you.

As for the minigun… There is no instance when you should use it unless you’re just dicking around. The speed penalty is just to bad. If the predator jumps on you, before you can start shooting, you’re dead, if you keep it equiped, you’re the perfect target for any of the ranged weapons the predator has, also the minigun is crap at range. All in all, if you just want to have fun, go for it, if you want to do well against a decent + predator, don’t use it. You have weapons that have similar burst/damage but don’t carry the insane movement speed penalty.

You’re talking shit on ps players so I’m talking shit on ft mains.

The radius on the pc isn’t huge, it’s the same size as the grenade.
It’s an explosion, and if you think it’s to big, then you’re being a little bitch about it.

Why would I call a pred using The elder sword or scythe a scrub?
The only preds who are lame are the bunny hop bow users and spear throw only style.

And if somethings broken or unbalanced, I’m Going to call it out.
And right now?
Well for the longest, ft dps has been way too high.

And who’s the ones that want it that high?
Ft mains.
Cause they just want to 1v1 the pred and not have to work as a team.

A halfway decent team and you can take me eh?
Not if I’m playing how I did last year.

The reason I think plasmas caster should be nerfed is… Because it is boring to play against. If they needed blast radius than buffed other weapons it would then be more fun.


I am not talking shit on PS players, just facts, if you’re to far up your ass to see that its not my fault. You can be free to disprove anything I said above instead of being an ass.

The PC range is big enough that you don’t need to aim well to hit shit, you can miss and still get quite a lot of damage in. I am not being a bitch about it, I am not asking for nerfs (compared to you in quite a few topics where YOU bitch about FT constantly). Then I compared it to how large the rocket blast size is (this would be for FT, I guess I am bitching about FT just as well, facepalm!).

You would call those people scrubs since they are using the best weapons just like the FT players are scrubs (going by you) because they are using the best weapons just as well. Oh and I can see why you would call bunny hop bow users scrubs, those are the very good players (compared to you) who can beat deatsquads(compared to you). Again some of the best players on this site are the ones doing that and it takes insane skill to do it well against deathsquads.

Then you start crying about FT damage after telling me I am a bitch for doing something similar (even if I did not) about the predator PC. Priceless.

Nah, the FT mains are not the ones that want this level of damage, its the DEVELOPERS genius! THE DEVELOPERS, they make the balance and they said the balance its almost perfect bub. You just can’t seem to get that head of yours out of your behind and keep blaming everyone else for YOUR problems. Also they can nerf FT into the ground, did not play this game for weeks, perhaps I will try it again with the update for a couple of days and then move on.

Oh and quite frankly, as I said above, when you do randoms (as the VAST majority of people are doing) you’re pretty much doing 1v1 with the predator considering the potatoes in this game.

PS. Nothing I said here is about balance, its about what FT weapons are better, that’s it. You turned this into another oh woes me, the poor PS player and predator player argument.

Depends on the skill of the FT, PS randoms who have serious issues shooting because the controller, crap aim assist and what not… Yeah… Its probably to good. Find a good PC team that can aim and its fine. If the teams keep on the move they don’t even need to shoot back, they can probably make it out by just dodging and healing.
PS. I am not taking pot shots at PS players, I got a PS4 myself and I am shit with the controller, bottom line is the mouse is far better at aiming and shooting in this game.

Anyone who isnt fucking blind can see ft damage is too high, they have 1v1 damage, in a 1v4.
That’s unbalanced you twat.
Because when you multiple the damage, it becomes broken and unfair.

If you cant see that, you’re an ignorant fuck.
Plain and simple.
Fuck you you’re getting mad at me for telling you the truth.

Almost everyone who’s a day 1 player says the same thing.
Ft dps is way too high.
It’s been that way since last year.
Even people on pc.

How you gonna tell me you ain’t talking shit on ps when you clearly are?

That’s not talking shit?
You fucking stupid?

Also who the fuck do think you are to always try and talk down to me telling me I ain’t shit?
Bitch you barely play dont fucking tell me who’s good or not.

I’ve beaten premades, good ones too get the fuck outa here. No the best players are not the ones bunny hopping like that, not all of them.

Dont fucking talk to me about skill when you barely fucking actually play.

And yes it is fucking ft mains.
Yall bitch and moan about wanting to be able to 1v1 the pred.

The one with their head up their ass is you.
Everything I’ve said is fact.
You can accept it, or be wrong and ignorant.
Fuck you.

I’m not playing this shit anymore with you people.
You dont observe and analyze shit the way I do, while I look at shit how it actually is and dont focus on my feelings or emotions only, or try to only stick to my perception, that’s all you fucking people do.

You only care about your perception.
And guess what?
Yours is fucking twisted.

Your perception doesnt dictate reality and you, Xan.
Can not see past yourself.

What does the damage of the FT has to do with what FT weapons are better then others, you twat? I am not debating balance, you TWAT! Now perhaps you can stop being bad and improve at the game instead of constantly crying about it, you twat!

Its not that I can’t see that, its the developers who have stated the balance is almost perfect, you twat!

Fuck you’re getting mad as you talk nonsense that has nothing to do with my post, you TWAT!

I am not talking shit on PS, you’re just a big fat twat that is incapable of ration though. Mechanical limitations are mechanical limitations between the platforms, you twat! That does not make PS people shit, you twat! It means PC players have a mechanical advance over PS players, you twat!

Genius, the first post you made to me in this post you attacked me and my skill calling me a scrub. Yes, I pointed out about how you constantly complain as GOOD predators are able to handle the deatsquads you can’t. So more pew, pew, less QQ…

Now you twat, in all the posts I’ve read in this forum not once have I seen ANYONE demanding to be able to 1v1 the predator! Perhaps just stating they need to do that because the players are potatoes! Most certainly not me in this topic comparing the FT guns, YOU TWAT! When I do play I have like 90% + win rate and I DO solo most predators. I can already do what you cry about, yes its because they are bad.

You really are a twat!


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Twyou’re a wizard Harry