I think the ground slam dmg should be put down a little but only so that the scout class can survive even if its with an inch of life I don’t think the ground slam is op, also I think the ground slam doing dmg on roofs is fine and please don’t patch that out, if the ft wants to camp they should get punished for it and also the smart disk can be destroyed, does little dmg and u would have to retrieve that back yourself if its going in a building, so that is not the go to move deal with campers, sure u can use plasma castor but some rooms are to big, the ft can body block the predator indoors and parry him he will get chocked out in there
Ground slam dmg to much?
Damage should be based on distance or energy imo. Point blank slams are strong as is.
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Dmg based on energy I like that idea also predator can just leap a tiny amount and still do full dmg with ground slam he can jump as high as a 3 year old could and still get that big dmg
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As long as they create a minimum distance for slam I feel like it’s fine tbh
At the moment, it’s way too much. They should make it distant relative, the closer you are to the Predator when he slams the more damage. And classes should change the damage too, because there’s no way a skinny Scout Predator can slam the same as a thicc ass Zerker.
Just my 2 cents.