Hacker Posting Online Videos

No hacks here at all. Frankly I am shocked you would even think there was a hack from watching this video. Guy just uses his mouse wheel to change weapons. But being able to just switch weapons on the fly is just a pretty standard thing for most PC games. Why would you think switching weapons on the fly would be a hack? It honestly just needs to be added into the game anyway as fireteam has it but for whatever reason Predator does not. Itl be a good QoL update.

Aim bot? Literally nothing here to suggest that at all. He straight up misses his second shot against the FT and misses more through out the video. The shots he landed arent even hard to land. No evidence at all his aim doesnt even snap like an aimbot would.

I’ll admit I didn’t watch much of the video because as soon as 0:35 started I wanted to cut off my ears. However, PC allow you to switch weapons without using the weapon wheel. He also missed his shots as others have stated.

because on PC ther is no weapon binding to quick switch to a certain weapon, must use weapon wheel or scroll to next / prev with mousewheel.

but i agree i dont see any hacks.

all i see is another autistic beast with a microphone, but not hacks

can understand why consoles accuse pc players cheaters, you cant use third party cheats/hacks on console where on pc you can. look at online pc games they are littered with cheaters… PUBG, Fortnite, Arma 3, GTA5, CoD, R6 Siege…

I’ve faced Meow5000 a few times, he beat me on account of a poor FT as they were new, but when i have faced him other times with a good FT we have destroyed him. but i will say he is an asshole, after the first time playing against him i have put him on mute whenever i see him in the lobby.

By littered you mean like 1% of the playerbase on pc or less.

Still haven’t ran into a single cheater in this game and iv been playing nonstop every day since the game launched.

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How did you retain enough sanity to be able to type, or did you? ;D

your personal experience doesnt speak for everyone… and i have ran into cheaters in this game. had a pred yesterday 1 arrow each killing the FT without it being fully torqued and 2 of them were support.

Amorphis shocked at you liking Silveri’s post…

Unless you have evidence of that… Yeah…

aahhh the noob from the previous game LOL!!! where my pred got glitched and wouldnt leap…

i dont need to provide you evidence, its a known fact.

there is cheating online on everygame…

i could sit here all day posting links noob, but i think i made the picture clear.

It’s probably that he’s good at the game and changed his controls, not hacking. Pretty sure he was also on an Evolve pro team, which just lowers the chances of him hacking.

and he droped his settings too see throw the leafs and bushes SCUM AS FUCK

IF there are hacks and cheats, it WILL come from the PC side of the community first. It’s the same in every multi platform game, cheats and hacks ALWAYS start on the PC side. So I get why PS4 users are quick to yell cheater. Just don’t cross play is my solution. Save urself the headache.


Predator: Hunting Grounds has been cracked on torrents 2 weeks ago and it functions online… telling me there isnt already hacks for this game? anyone who says there isnt is deluded.

I definitely see his reticle behaving abnormally, namely one of those first shots where he did this overdrawn loop and then it just immediately was dragged to the target and he constantly seemed to aim elsewhere and then it was pulled back to whoever he was shooting at. Yeah he missed shots but not because of aim so much as projectile speed and enemy movement. Maybe it wasn’t aim bot but the way he went about lining his shots didn’t seem natural. Also he seemed like a kind of a scrub to boot because even with his reticle appearing to be just pulled onto his targets he still missed a lot because he was being stupid. He is also going up against low tier players by the looks of it as well, since some of them didn’t even know how to escape bear traps and it looked like they didn’t have much gear. So even if he isn’t hacking and just has some weird autistic aiming, which would explain the fucked noises he made, he took obscene amounts of damage for no real reason indicating he is something of an idiot.

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The only people that deny cheating exists are the ones cheating themselves lol

hands down brother… and less then 1% of cheaters on the pc community??? that just screams ideocracy.

Bullshit lol. I used to be an admin using admin spy commands on Unturned, PC only, and I was catching people running cheats at least every day, sometimes I’d catch three or four people a day cheating. If there is even the slightest crack the hackers will pour in like a fucking flood.

100%, it literally doesnt take long for the hacks/cracks to come soon after the game… this has been an ongoing situation since online gaming. Counsterstrike back 1999 literally had hacks 1 week after release. F22 Lighting 3 a month after release. Valorant had online hacks/cheaters not even a month after the game was released.

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