Hacker Posting Online Videos

Give me numbers not your feelings stop blowing cheating issues out of proportion in the mean time.

I do not run into many PC cheaters and I disagree with the stereotype that PC is riddled with cheaters and iv been pretty outspoken about this on the forums. PC does have cheaters but its honestly a tiny percent of all PC players that actually cheat. Hence why I liked his comment.

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ive given you numbers, stop giving false facts…

this is nothing more then a desperate feeble attempt of you trying to save face, only one giving off emotion is you. you have spoken out pure speculation and zero facts.

because you have experienced it does not mean it doesnt exist… and i dont create the stereotypes they create themselves… PC is littered with cheaters, where consoles are not.

Its apparent that you can’t have a conversation about the issue have a good day.

Well I’m flattered you think I have god like aim. The truth of course is far removed from that. I’m still figuring out the bow and indeed most of predators weapons what with none of them being hit scan.

The weapon changing is me being extremely frustrated that rebinding weapon keys was left out of PC customisation and coming with my own temporary (it better be temporary…) janky fix. It’s a macro that upon a key being pressed, let us use Q as an example, it will quickly open the wheel, move the mouse to the appropriate position and then close the wheel. You can’t move your mouse while this occurs or you stand a chance at getting a random weapon/gear.
It’s not perfect but it’s light years better than that ridiculous weapon wheel.

Hah, I notice you used the one rare example of when I decided to get on the mic for a bit of banter. The truth is that while this game is fun, most games are randoms who aren’t that skilled or they are but they have teammates who are not. A strong coordinated team is like a four leaf clover alas.
The point being that it can get a bit boring and sometimes you need to try and make it a bit more fun. I’ve had some great back and forth with some players more than happy to get involved.

Most games I don’t have the mic on and sometimes just say a gg at the end.

Is your in game name also Crossbones? I know you will assume something is afoot here but I genuinely don’t recall getting destroyed. More than happy to be corrected. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that.

Hah, yeah this happens a lot as it gets boring just going try hard every game. It would also happen a lot if I was playing a strong team but that would be genuine.

I would say this is the best game I’ve had. Unwary did not have a full team, otherwise I’m sure it would have been noticeably harder (i.e. I’m dead)

If anyone wants to talk hacks (well, it’s a macro) then Unwary will sometimes use one to make some of his guns shoot at a massively increased rate.

As for cheats in general then yes of course they exist. A quick google search for cheats/hacks for this game has the first result coming up trumps. I’m sure there are some dicks out there using them.

I never said cheating did not exist my man. I just think its a small percentage of the PC player base. Iv been playing PC all my life and I rarely encounter cheaters. Im not saying they dont exist im saying they do its just a small percentage. And yes I agree console does tend to have less cheaters as its just harder to get cheats for a console but it is not impossible cheats exist on consoles of course but again very small percentage and it is harder to get cheats for a console.

there is no conversation…

  1. you cant read/have misread my comment and became argumentative
  2. you have only given pure speculation and nothing adjacent to evidence claiming to your say so
  3. you now claiming my comments are only based off emotion which tells me your the one thats utterly emotional about this dialogue between us.

as you said brother, good day and pleasant hunting… as i am not here to argue you can choose to agree or disagree.

i’ve been pc playing since 1998 on dial up and i have seen countless cheating throughout the years. and its a large sum of numbers, PUBG was riddled with so many cheaters it even made headline news.

like i said on the base of your own experience doesnt make it so, neither does mine the evidence and facts speak for themselves. GTA5 was plastered with cheaters couldnt join a game without them specialy stunt racing.

you provided us with the link and the cheater population came out 0.14% please stop.
give data not personal experiences like you said to me earlier.

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  1. you cant read/have misread my comment and became argumentative
  2. you have only given pure speculation and nothing adjacent to evidence claiming to your say so
  3. you now claiming my comments are only based off emotion which tells me your the one thats utterly emotional about this dialogue between us.

this is exactly what you are doing now.

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there is no conversation…

  1. you cant read/have misread my comment and became argumentative
  2. you have only given pure speculation and nothing adjacent to evidence claiming to your say so
  3. you now claiming my comments are only based off emotion which tells me your the one thats utterly emotional about this dialogue between us.

thats exactly what you are doing through and through lol…

you also chose one game to validate your point lol which is cherry picking, secondly those aren’t numbers based as a whole for the entire lifespan of the game that is, daily… furthermore those are cheaters who have been caught or identified, DOES NOT MEAN all of them are busted. again your calculations and argument is strictly speculative “please stop”.

Remember how this started out?

You said games be littered with cheaters and i said that you are overblowing the case hard core nothing else. then i noticed that you had posted articles backing your case up.

I went in and looked at the only article that gave out the actual numbers of people banned since the game came out/went free to play what ever and the banned 5 came out 0,14% of the total player base so LITERALLY not littered with cheaters.

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and iv been on pc since 1991 since dial up as well. Are we really going to start comparing ages here? A large number of cheaters on one game does not mean the large majority of PC players are cheaters. Dont you see that I am agreeing with you? Im just saying that over all most PC players do not actually cheat.

The evidence and facts are impossible to obtain there is no magical number that is tracking how many active cheaters there are across all platforms.

Either way I have said my opinion which is that the percentage of PC players that actively cheat is small.

i turned off crossplay both on here and cod warzone becuase of the amount of hackers

"By littered you mean like 1% of the playerbase on pc or less.

Still haven’t ran into a single cheater in this game and iv been playing nonstop every day since the game launched."

thats how it started purely on your own opinion and speculative calculations. nothing is overblown.

Yes i gave a reasonable % number out of my ass becasue this is usually the case when you actually look at the numbers.

And i referenced it with my own experiences in this game and in gaming in general not as Fact but as a anectodal.

ive been on pc since 1989 if you really wanna start comparing ages here?

pc cheaters are a large number, they arent the majority, but there is an extreme large quantity. its why its so problematic. as i been saying to silvestri and as you said now… the amount of cheaters that have been caught dont reflect the true analytics of the true sum of numbers that are really out there, its more def not less.

your personal experience doesnt matter, as others experience’s differ… like you said you havnt experienced a cheater and you been playing since launch… ive been playing for 2 weeks and already encountered a couple.

and the % you summed up is literally out of your ass AGAIN you do not know how many cheaters are there your only working from a number thats been caught, there are many types of hacks/cheats for a game not one type. and those figures change drastically over time. older the game gets and less love the game sees from the devs the worse the cheating gets.

Why are you so fixated on that personal experience?

The main point was the % of cheaters it was the first thing i mentioned on that reply that’s why it was a the top and the personal below that.

i don’t understand why you cant just look at the numbers and stop there you literally cant go any further than that the 0.14% was not out of my ass it is the reported cases.

Yes it is almoust certain that the number of cheaters is hier than that the devs them self gave out but lets be reasonable and just say its 10x witch i think is way more than there are in actuality.

what do you think the % of the player base cheats?