hacks on ps4. you guys, SEVERELY lack reading comprehension.

Lmao, go home pred, you’re drunk.

Lol only beer I drink is root beer 😂

Pred in game is drunk xD

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true, stumbling around like a dang idiot

Turn off crossplay i did it i dont play with pc players…they suck balls…and its not gaming…consoles are gaming not mouse clickers

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turn off crossplay PLS. you will solve a lot of problems with that.
PC players are all cheats…
PC plaers are OP as FT… etc.etc.etc.
I’m on a PC and at least I won’t have to play with a PS4 that can’t even hit a barn door… omfg

Bro are you high? Did you not read everything I wrote? IT WAS A DUDE ON PS4. jesus christ. And dont even act like theres never been having on ps before.

Ps3 had quite a bit of em back in the day.

Did you read my full post? You’re 40 years old right? And you’re gonna feed into the pc vs console shit? Come on man.

:((((( I soooooooooooo regret not buy the hunt SHOWDOWN. You understand I’m looking at this piece of shit menu regretting everything about it…

In fact you helped make my decision faster. I’m deleting this crap and switching over to SHOWDOWN today. Not giving them my time or money. Adios amigos!

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There seems to be a problem with that. Desyncing doesn’t generate totally false data as displayed in that ending bit. If he was desynced his body would be back on the hill where he dropped but his viewpoint he would be in the train yard. However as we can clearly see the Fireteam spectating post self destruct clearly shows them in the outskirts of the train hard looking at him.

Now maybe I am just totally ignorant but not if this was desync that positioning would likely put them within range of the blast radius from the self destruct and even if not then they would taken the longest routes from their position to the evade the blast radius rather than either pathways to the Northwest and Northeast, possibly even straight south though unlikely. So not only would that be really fucking weird but they likely wouldn’t have time to go around that large hill and then straight North following them, meaning they are literally running towards the central radius of the blast and given how narrow of a window you have if you are dead center you may have only a few seconds to spare running straight out with no obstructions and they are running towards the center of the blast and past it. Got a bit off on a tangent there so not only is it quite improbable that they had time to run towards the central radius and around a hill but it is also improbably based on their positioning at the end they even made it outside of the blast radius. Yet they are alive and well and for me seeing two of them shooting means they weren’t sprinting towards the end and seems also suspect on those two as well. And they were exactly opposite of where his body would be so that meant not only did they run towards the center of the explosion but also looped inward and kinda did a circle to place them where they ended up. Pretty fucking weird.

And if that is not how that played out, which is quite unlikely they could have survived if they did and extremely abnormal that they chose to do this rather than run to the two most obvious and safest paths that would take them outside of the blast radius even if by the skin of their teeth that would mean that not only did it desync but it also rendered an entirely separate and fabricated version of events which just so happen to coincidentally coincide with EXACTLY the type of position consistent not with a Fireteam in flight but a Fireteam IN PURSUIT of him in exactly where his desync’d body was displayed in his end. Maybe that is all possible but where there’s smoke there’s probably fire is all I’m saying and that is one hell of a smoke cloud there to be just coincidence to me.

See ya! Does this mean you’re going to delete this account and spare us any further whining posts?

And if that was a desync he would have been dead far more quickly than that but the damage he took was largely consistent with someone trying to shoot a moving target as well. Which is weird as fuck unless they were just sitting there confused as he was lol.

The same thing happened to me, but faster. But the thing is, right after I died, he left and changed his psn.
Not only that the few seconds I got to spectate them, they werent moving normally.

If it wasnt for his name change then maybe I’d believe it was desynch, for my situation.
Really wish ppl would consider that but no one seems to understand anything I’ve written.

I have also seen footage of people, early after release, glitching underneath buildings and doing the same thing as well among other things.

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In Hunt showdown, after you die because of the desync, your body stays where you died on your screen, no matter the desync.
I really really hope that you are right because I want this game to do good ,but I have a feeling that you’re not…

No in my case it felt like an aimbot that could go through walls, locked on to my head.

Same thing happens in Hunt. Again, I just hope you are right.

Unless his body was still in motion, because I don’t know if desync still registers your movements just not where you are seeing it is and all that, or if you are basically standing there like an empty husk… then there is very little chance they could have, in the video he posted in the last clip displayed, the Fireteam could have been where they were much less chosen the most obviously dangerous route to escape the blast radius.

Me and my team do this too just to hunt the Predator.

Anytime, mate. Keep in mind that game is hard as fuck and punishing.