Yeah for me he was my second favourite portrayal after Derek Mears
Halloween ends...thank fuck
Yeah the 2009 Reboot is my personal favourite F13th
personally, Halloween had its good things for the first and subsequent films. but now its just rehashing lore that doesn’t need to be rehashed. whats her name needs to call it a day. She had her day in the sun. but this franchise is beat. as well as those drab Rob Zombie directed film.
Season of the Witch was an actual gem and they should have made subsequent films to revive this theme of some weird shit going on during Halloween.
I think maybe they will after Halloween Ends (which I had no idea there was another one). so that really tells you it’s more acting as a vehicle to produce another film with her name on it. Sad.
Season of the Witch 2 should have been a thing. but no. But its likely they have screen writers writing 2-3 films worth of material before they even think about prolonging the series. Hell, they probably make a tv series on it and pepper little bits of Michael Myers lore.
This franchise simply isn’t an interesting franchise. Its a guy in a mask. Kind of like Scream. Kind of like any other generic Slasher film. for fuck sakes. All they did was burn Michaels mask and suddenly some durb thought it make a great concept for a new sequel. They shoudl just make a new music video. Which is probably about the same amount of cost.
Is that part 3? The one that wasn’t tied to myers?
Halloween III : Season of the Witch is a 1982 film…
a commercial on tv starts, singing happy happy halloween…kids wearing a mask…mask dissolves into insects eating their faces alive…yeah…pretty morbid. nothing to do with myers. but pretty shocking.
Kind of like “where did that come from” but inthe 80s i think anything was pretty good at the time even if they broke continuity from the franchise. I’m surprised they haven’t done this in any other tv show or film series.
That scene was about gaining power from being evil. Its stupid.
what? Jesus christ, you got a psychologist to back that up? Man that shit was about corporations being evil with sadistic intent! I mean, corporations are always evil in real life, but we got to see what they might do!! and that is literally fucked up thing in real life if they did. Like, wtf could real corporations be exposed to doing? Infesting the general public with microscopic viruses? shit that would be… well …truly naive to think that might actually happen. In reality, yes. That could be the truth.
The scene where he’s just some old cripple, then stabs the guy and gains back his strength.
you’re making no sense. That never happened…
Halloween Ends? The scene where Michael gets his ass handed to him by the cop that was hitting on Allison and chased Correy into the tunnel.
ok we totally did not get what each other was going on about…to that end i’m horrifically confused.
Yeah , you see him hobbling and struggling to use one arm , then he starts bodying people (but not the young guy when he steals his mask)
I remember part 3 , but it has been a while since I have watched it . I think they were going to do the movies as stand alone flicks but under the Halloween banner? Like tales from the darkside etc or creepshow
I was like dude it’s not even…then noticed you were talking about the movie 🤦 my bad lol 😂
shut up, shut up, shut up
I didn’t do anything at all, I don’t know what you all are even talking about. There’s totally 100% no microbiology lab in my basement.
You definitely have wuhan on your C.V
How is the new form of untraceable steroids going? Asking for a friend 👀
Hell no! I stopped at the last movie that shit was garbage… What’s next michael Meyers in space? Just stop already
Jason X you never know…what money is hidden in some douche’s bank account whose in the movie