How do you like the balancing after the latest patch?

  • The current balancing is better now
  • The Predator is still too weak
  • The Fireteam is too weak now

0 voters

Hey guys and girls!
I created this little poll to give us and the developers more clarity about how people like the current balancing after the new patch.
Feel free to participate if you want to!

Its better than last time, but not there yet

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It’s better however the pred needs more gear and long range weaponry. They want to discourage melee builds fine but then release useful weapons and gear for range play and trapping/separation.


I think that we do indeed have a DbD scenario on our hands rn. It can be extremly sweaty going against a somewhat descent Pred solo queueing, but Pred stands zero to no chance against premades.
So yeah, DbD all over again.


We won’t really know until Predators ranged weapons are fixed

On that note he needs other stealth weapons

Like the wrist disc launcher

It would work the same as the wrist launcher only it causes bleeding and does more damage at the cost of lower ammo


Ammo based/needs to be reloaded after each shot

It’s like a fully charged arrow every shot but takes longer to reload it

But the Predator is definitely stronger than he was before this patch


So Did the cloak range of how far we can spot a cloaked pred eally get shadow nerfed??!

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As far as I can tell, yes.

Very interesting results here!
I also posted this poll on the official Facebook group, where we got a completely different result!



Is that 33 votes total on FB?


If it wasn’t for the revert changes to cloak I’d be ok with the changes. But hey, who am I to question illfonic’s magic formula for balance

Kinda small, even for exit-polls. Wish more people would vote cause if illfinic sees this it kinda says that community doesn’t care,which might be true, cause it’s frustrating.

I don’t think that 65 users are too few for a good result, but I also can’t magically make more players vote.

I rather think that the majority of players on the Facebook group are not there to complain or give feedback, which gives us different results, since judging the game by only looking at the feedback in the forums here gives a very biased result.
But maybe those FB Users are just playing more casually or on PS4?

Agreed. Still wish I could magically make people vote

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Something Trump would say.

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He did do that, but it was the wrong people.

…oh for real? That’s how much I don’t keep up with politics lol…it’s a headache.

You really should, if only to appreciate gems like this …

No way that’s actual gameplay 😆

I think it was cause it’s an excerpt from a longer video. It came out of nowhere and the one guy just lost it 😂

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