I present to you, one of the greatest bugs in this game.

la lala la…which are good which are bad…

Out the airlock


Nothing like a cum dick sandwich

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heckel heckel

heckel heckel

Honestly thought it was the huge thing at first too.
Really wish that was a thing now.

Oh no, what we really need is a way to increase the boar size too.
While we’re at it make an AI’s giant mode too.


I agree

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We should also aside from giant mode have a tiny mode! Has the option to put all boars, ai, FT, and Predator 1/3rd of their normal size, and the option to pick and choose which of said would be affected.


Yeees, let it be DONE!


To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if this was added.
Considering what we have already in customs.

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Imagine mixing and matching so you have tiny FT, Tiny Pred, but massive Boars, massive AI, and all have big head mode on! The absolute chaos!

Add low grav and max movement speed, and that would be a hilarious match!

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You can see FT pings if you throw smart disk