Ilfonic talk to us

You failed your highness, you kept the senate and kept acting like the victim instead taking the republic by force now I rule and my first rule is you have no rights, now die

You see, I rose to power 100% legally. You would be committing treason against a legitimate state and attempting to assassinate its legitimate leader.
Get lawyered, Vader.
Better Call Senate.

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You change the government to a empire which is ruled by a singular leader in which and be overthrown and replaced

If you want Boba will “legally” shut this guy up.


Your still under my payroll, now I pay you to mind your own business

If he does not repent, then by all means

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You forget that old Pimpatine here has all the credits.

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Your dead I took over the empire so I do

Always wondered how you saw

I’m clearly not dead, as I am typing this here.

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Dang it Mara Jade stop pretending

I’m the Emperor now!

She’s flat, so not a threat.

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I’m the only one with the pissword to this account.

Lol 😂 good for a second there I had a weird vision she would be with my son 🥶

Tell me something the emperor only knows!

Dear god hes got super quantum security.
Pissword is extremely advanced.

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Your house address & zip code.

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Pissword: if the fresh piss doesn’t match the account owner’s, you can’t get in.

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