IllFonic IS THIS IS OKAY? PHG "Balance" in a Nutshell - video from both perspectives

You’re gonna let some cheap illfonic spook with a Cease n Desist stop the might Rauta and his quest for balance… I thought you were made of sterner minerals😝

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It was a official email with police headliner and all tht they even had my ohine address and phone im good man

Your a lier no way send the screen shot

All this could be “solved” (to some degree) simply by buffing Predators DR (dmg reduction).

If you’re spending 5 perk points on a perk that gives you DR from bullets (impenetrable), lets be honest, 10% DR is nothing.

I would start with 30% and balance it from there.
Also, where’s the speargun for the Predator?
It could be the only gun that can counter snipers and we don’t have it.


The same with downrange and fearless.


Wow. Yeah that’s the basics of it.
You either learn fast safe distance or melt fast and wonder how. I feel for the guy.

Sent a pm to you and @VENN7eance as it will give my true identity away and I will most likely catch a perma ban

Oh shit bet let me see

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Bro you’re doing too much lol

What you mean?

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Cease and desist? Are you joking? Police?

I’m DED 🤣🤣🤣

Ill wait

If you remember.

I think that buffing Fearless and Down Range by another 10% as passive would be closer tk balancing things out. But buffing those two by more would just break the game.

It’s what I think, I might not be right, but if I had the “power” to balance the game, I would start with 30% DR for Impenetrable and add 10% for Fearless and Down Range as passives and go from there.

In this current patch, the Predator falls behind when it comes to dmg and surivability, compared to FT’s.


Lol @BadBlood he don’t believe me

Doesn’t matter to him

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He isnt lying either bro… like no cap but let not continue further lol

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That is so fucking crazy that people would actually do that

Mental illness is some heavy shit