Illfonic sucks ass

Another thing that helps is knowing when to get close and knowing when to stay at range. There were plenty of moments in matches where I messed everything up by getting too close to the fireteam at the wrong times.

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Yep timing and assessment is everything.

For the First kill, never go in for a Bow gunfight unless someone wanders off a considerable distance away from the team. First assault should always ideally be surprise Plasma, Disc or Traps. Target one guy and get him out of the game, then become more aggressive.

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@Anyt1m3 what you think?

I like the broadcast. Hard to say of Angel is good or not. Perhaps its message is too agressive. Not sure if thatā€™s intended.

Very nice animation. The attacks and counters look complex. Looks nice

the angel is an alien monster, so itā€™s bad. theyā€™re just called that for some reason. thank you for your feedback.

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Ok, i thought that maybe it was being falsely portrayed and interrupted the broadcast trying to clear itā€™s name, saying that itā€™s the government or whatever agency is bad

Ggs @Derangedxeno_02


Itā€™s 2:32 AM and I canā€™t sleep

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PlayStation beeps

Was waiting to reinforce - watching this guy reinforcing us, thought this took some skill!


i usually use the ELDER PRED! but iā€™ve been losing alot of games with close combat so switched to berzerker and found pretty much close range with the Berzerker using eldersword is way to go! since the change havenā€™t lost a game but will try your suggestion thanks!

zerkā€™s the worst class in the game. you can play zerk, but itā€™s an uphill battle. iā€™d recommend using cleo instead. range is the way to go.

You have to train yourself off of close range. Playing melee will get you torn up real quick. I mean if you know the FT is made up of clueless potatoes, sure, diddle with melee, I do sometimes. But to play this game to its fullest as Pred you need to master long range. Elder is perfect for that, use the Stalker spec and down range, dithered lens and adrenal boost. Hunter/Captured, Wolf and Valkyrie are good for those too.

If you must play melee, ditch Berserker; its the laughing stock of the game, along with Viking. Run Cleo, Valk or Wolf. Scout too, but beware of its low HP. You want fast for in and out hits but you donā€™t want to get lit up in the process.

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The ultimate opportunities


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