Illfonic sucks ass

That is true though, you can be the best shot in the world but if you ain’t got a tactical brain you won’t get as far.

Speaking of mind games, damn Mike with them loops round staircases like it’s DBD🤣🤣


M8 bravo was playing Support FM with PDL and Six sense last night against my Predator 😂😂

I don’t even want to think about that :)))
Even when he’s last man standing, he makes it so hard for the Pred to claim that special trophy ( if Predator success to survive Lol )

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Lmao he played 2 matches against me the other day, one as Dante Fanatic, one as Support Field Medic with PDLs and got 0 damage both times🤣🤣🤣

I shit you not m8, Mike is harder to kill 1v1 than when the team is alive. He has the speed boost, reload speed boost, passive fast hands stacked, all his loops, and when there aren’t other targets you lose confidence incredibly quickly with all the shots you miss and then you’re reluctant to Plasma because its 1v1 and you end up fucking something up. I swear to god when he uses the one little place at the River Village on Overgrowth or the little white walls on Derailed you need to Plasma to even get him relatively low.


I think it does need a change.

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Bitch did you use Vicious Delicious from Infected Mushroom as BGM?

It would be good if we had a consensus in something. Either this, or what @Savage3i3 mentioned about the
FT damage

The radio thing is kind of part of the game, of course premades will take advantage of it to the max, maybe they shouldn’t have removed the radio from being seen before the reinforcements was available to call. Back then it was easier to prevent it from being called.

There is a bunch of things that should be nerfed for the ft but well doubt Illfonic will look into any of it.


Yeah, they probably won’t change anything. I was wondering if my suggesting to be fair and if one thing was to be changed to nerf FT a little, what should it be.

The idea is not to necessarily prevent rein, but to make the timing harder. FT can reinforce perfectly way to often by cooking radio. By not allowing to cook the radio, FT would risk separating and rein 3 or 2 of team or sticking together and abandoning obj for a bit. Pred may gain time or numbers advantage this way.


There is so much stuff, the spotting of the tracker perk, field medic specialization, the dmg reduction passives + the stacking, the base dmg of weapons like sawz + 1011-12, the stacking of dmg boosts of specs + perks.

If FT was nerfed cooking the radio would get more risky, could backfire more often, right now 2-3 fts can easily push the predator back and leave the reinforcements to be called for the end, there is no need to reinforce if only 1 dies and have 4 fts again when 4 fts arent necessary to overpower the Predator. That’s why premades do it, they know they dont need 4 players to deal with the Predator most of the match anyways.


This would be the plan.

Medic for the win!!!


I am professIONAL


Wolf_Mike_1990’s video

Happy Hunting to all
@Savage3i3 @jasonth13elder @ScOp_StUrMi @Cptclutch117


Awesome FT play. Very beerformative

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GG @JimHarbaughWQLVE Why didnt you stay for the GG at the end ? I thought you were the champ lol

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GG man



25 seconds of wtf?someting that doesn’t show shit but has your ps username…geezuz
the effort made by a 3 year old. but I apologize, if that was the point.

Did you go into private match with HUDs off to do that? Impressive!

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Your FPS is dank dude you need to upgrade!
LOL. still good effrot