Illgonic will be taking next week off

Fact is that if they released the source code the bedroom devs would be building maps, game modes and skins at a faster rate. Look at Quake.


worked hard
during quarantine


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i mean dude, for say that do you have a work or do you still live in mommy and daddy house ? x’)

Unreal Engine lol ok sure dude. Other than demanding a game release their source code 3 months after launch being hilarious, they can barely optimize it on their publisher console as is.

Quake/bethesda games etc that you sound like you are very used to are running on their own engines that are made with modding in mind. Otherwise you can’t do much other than screw with lighting/shaders/spawns, look at Halo MCC on a modified unreal engine vs Halo custom edition.
If you walked into illfonic’s office right now and were able to reverse engineer their game and magically turn it into a new game mode in a month by yourself i’m sure they’d hire you on the spot. It takes years to learn to mod UE games that aren’t specifically made with modding in mind, but good luck getting unreal engine to do things it wasn’t programmed to do bc its a shitshow.
Quake specifically allows you to extract the games assets to edit manually or Bethesda has BAE so you can do whatever you want there. Games that are moddable are usually developed with that intent in mind. Everything isn’t running on Valve Source lol

Alternatives, given UE is restricted?

Dont defend these weak ass devs they’ve failed to fix half the issues but still add dlc anyways. They also dont communicate at all which is extremely important. This game wouldn’t be as bad if it didnt have glitches that cost games left and right and more than 3 generic maps.

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Not really at this day and age. AvP2 had a dev partially leak their source code after monolith went under. Servers were salvaged too but the drama surrounding the community afterwards kind of killed it anyways. Had a ton of insane mods but again lithtech engine supported modding to begin with.

You really don’t see crazy mod communities for niche games anymore, I guess eldewrito with the reverse engineered russian halo online but progress was extremely slow since they were working backwards (talking like a year just to create an easily accessible client and updater that didnt require a fresh install) & microsoft slapped them with a cease and desist because it’s their intellectual property anyways.