Is BloodThirstyLord the “best” Predator…?

He plays against noob all the time…he is not the best predator…the best predator is samhain13x…

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BloodThrstylord has got fakery in the bakery.

And for the record, if you’re talkin about Samhain13, you have only to watch one of his pred videos to know that he can’t play half of the game. Granted, he’s good at the blatant rip-off of COD side of things, but that’s about it.

You are a potato.


XD that makes you a cucumber.

People shove you up their asses more often, but in reality, I’m the better vegetable

You couldn’t even make crossplay work and invite pc players when you asked to play vs me. You are braindead even at that. Just another shit talker at the forums that plays like trash.



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Lol that’s rich. Unlike the entirety of your viewers, you don’t know how I play. And frankly, I couldn’t be arsed playing with you noobs at a time that inconvenienced me and by clients.

Oooh, boys fighting on my thread~

@I_BE_GOD Sam was trained by Russia’s best. The only thing holding him back is his ping, which unfortunately he cannot change. The dude has won against some of the best death squads in the game, something you could never do. Watch more of his videos, maybe 1) you’d so how stupidly wrong you are, and 2) maybe you’d become a better player.

That, too, is rich.

I died when I read this XD

Like I said, he’s not bad at ft but his pred gameplay sux. Watching him is paramount to voluntary brain damage.

Good. Get in the ground and grow, like a good potato.

Dude, you…your words are so asinine. Sincerely. He has many, many many videos and livestreams of him playing privates with some of the best FT players in the world, and BEATING them, yet “his pred gameplay sux”. Maybe you did receive some kind of brain damage, but it wasn’t from him.

Best in the world huh? Tell me, from whose ass did you pull that shit out of? Also, it’s kinda sad that it took you 5 minutes to compose that shitty little paragraph. Besides, MOST of his vids are against randos. Nooby randos. It’s just fucking sad that they even stand a chance against him.

You’re really a negative person, anyone ever tell you that? No wonder people don’t take you seriously.

What players, what were there names? I tried to arrange some games and he banned me from his discord, he dodges challenges

Bruh I’ve seen you play with Sam xD

I’m the best

Huh here is my crossplay off playlist if you only want to see matches vs pc premades, has like 90 videos vs players you would never win against:

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Nah. You don’t fucking know shit. Kindness gets you nowhere. It gives no feeling, and it does no good to for yourself. There is only one thing left for humans in the world, and that is death. We’re all waiting to die.