Isabelle Predators DLC custom

Si, on se butte au jeu

Lol oui mais est tu sur ps4 ?

Please 16 février dlc Isabelle custom like you Isabelle image

Today Please today Isabelle for maj predator hunting grounds 16 février 2021 image


Why the hell her hair always look wet

Who remembers this from AVP:

What are the odds Isabelle’s one is that powerful? :D

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Are we gonna get Issabelle this month or not?

I spoke too soon and we had been fooled.

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Sadly probably not mass

Its not imposssible though because

Yeah the one at the end looks nothing like a predator so they fooled us

but it sounds like they dropped a hint that the next DLC might be Cleo.

They pushed her back,probably because people figured it out so early on there was no surprise to it

I mean we figured out that 1987 dutch was going to be a dlc when the outline for him was shown on the road map and he wasn’t pushed back idk seems strange

Things changed in January I guess

Im just confused as to what happened this month

I’m thinking they pushed her back because she’s releasing with Gauntlet mode and they’re having problems with it (probably low optimization and framerates dropping to the floor with a 15 person game). So they’re ironing out the kinks

J’aimerais qu’elle vienne version 2010


Though tbh if they ever add long hair options as paid DLC I would buy in two seconds. Add red hair, one second.

Oui je suis d’accord avec vous pour les cheveux si elle s’applique à tout les commandos hommes femme image

Custom dlc 2010 Isabelle Please

no habla cassoulet.

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