It's not just the jungle that's STEAMY...

So I was just poking around in the game files, looking for a config I might be able to alter so that I could manually reconfigure the WASD controls, and I found something interesting in ThirdParty/ Steamworks/ etc folder: a steam_api64.dll attributed to Valve Corporation…


Ya it’s coming to steam later

Oh, what! When was this revealed? I’m usually all over this kind of thing. I would have waited, if I’d known…

Wasent too long ago stating epic has a timed exclusive. A ton of ppl misread the hell out of it assuming it was timed for ps4 lol

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You have a source on that? First I’ve heard it was timed.


Likewise, although the leftover files give it some credence, at least. Caught your stream the other day and I sympathise with your reluctance to get it on the EGS. I’m not a fan of it at the best of times, but the lack of any feedback, community, and open support features are unacceptable for a hands in this state.

I’m confident it will get better, but having it on a fully-featured storefront would make the process much smoother, and possibly faster.

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I can’t find any other articles backing this up, and it’s not what you’d call a front-line news outlet, so I think it’s just an assumption on this guy’s part. Certainly hoping it turns out to be true though.

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I’m sure it will be. No other console gets it but more options on PC

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Thanks for watching the stream! I used to love Epic Games, them abandoning such an awesome collaborative project with their longtime fans with most recent Unreal Tournament made them sour on me. The Fortnite money got to them. I’d be fine with the EGS if it actually competed with Steam on a features and community front, but since they haven’t even attempted to do that, they’ve brought the ‘console wars’ to PC by holding titles hostage. Not something I’d like to support with my dollars. The Unreal Engine is still pretty awesome though.

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I hope so, but I wouldn’t exactly describe One Angry Gamer as a reliable gaming news source, they can be entertaining though.

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I have a serious question. Why do you people hate epic so much?? I litterly have had zero problems with it, and been on steam since the first day it came out. Also when this game does come out on steam, it will still use the same servers as with epic store. You can also link your epic, too steam.
So please explain. Why is epic so bad?

I wouldn’t say I hate it, and it’s not that what is currently on the platform is bad, it’s just that it’s so barebones compared to virtually any other digital storefront that it suffers by comparison. That’s fine, and I’m sure they’ll catch up in the long run, but when they’re also actively pursuing exclusives (in a market that is generally moving away from such divisive sales strategies) it seems to be going against their claims that they’re trying to disrupt the industry for the better. If the only way you get people on your platform is to hold them hostage with exclusives it means there isn’t much benefit from using it otherwise.

If this were a singleplayer game, or a multiplayer game in a more polished state, it wouldn’t matter so much, but for a multiplayer game like this, in need of so much polish, it’s a deal-breaker. When I couldn’t figure out how to rebind the movement keys in this game, the EGS was no help at all. No support system, no discussion boards, not even a link to the developer forums. I had to track this forum down myself. Add to that no open player profiles, no groups, and no systems allowing direct engagement between player community and developers and you have the recipe for a disaster. It doesn’t have to be like that, but an Epic exclusive makes it that way.

At the end of the day, I got a refund because I realised there was nothing to lose from doing so. I’ll wait to hear news of a later Steam release, and if that doesn’t happen 12 months from now I’ll can simply buy it on the EGS again, hopefully with the game in a much better state and likely with more content to boot.


I mean if you were too open a pizza shop in your city. You will have too compete with the other ones around you, no? Its the same thing with game publishers. I agree that epic is missing some functions, but as you said. Perhaps in do time.
As for stability/ complaints about a game, that is not on the publisher. Thats all on the developer, in this case illfonic, and releasing their game too early. Epic merely publishes, just like steam. I have too be honoust though. I find it weird that you would contact epic about ingame things.
I do find the lack of communication on illfonics side pretty disturbing. Something I noticed after the trial weekend. Alot of people gave good feedback, and we didnt get a single reply from their side. Im afraid this game will turn into evolve 3.0

Yeah, but if you open a pizza shop it should be because you offer a better product or a better experience to your customers, not because you did a back-room deal with the wholesaler to cut everyone else out of premium cheese supply. The EGS objectively does nothing better, from a consumer point of view. I understand they give a better cut to developers, and I don’t blame them for taking that, but that’s an issue the industry needs to address without turning consumers into collateral.

And I wasn’t trying to contact Epic support for the game. As a long-time Steam, GoG, and even Uplay user, I know that going to community forums will give me either official posts from the developers or players with the same problem and a solution, if there is one. At the very least the store page will have a link to developer support, but on the EGS you get nothing - not even a link to the game directory so that I might try to fix it myself. Everything is just more difficult than it needs to be. It really is no more useful than having a physical box sitting on my shelf.

At the end of the day, a company that has any confidence in the strengths of its product won’t be afraid of allowing customers a choice. When they are you can only conclude that they know their product is sub-par.