Its official...

I mean Alpha is based off a NECA figure, so they’ve done business before. But yeah, Illfonic is not doing well with licensing right now, hence the FT DLC debacle.


Lazy fucks


actually one of the ugliest predator masks ive ever seen jesus christ


Yea the 3 in avp didnt really feel different except for bio masks but otherwise looked like a stencil where they made 3 suits exactly the same with diff masks

Eeeee you jus gave me an idea for a weapon, the cestus i think its called which was basically gladiators versions of brass knucks except have spikes. Imagine runnin up on the ft and squabblin em up lmao til they shred you ofcourse lol

You think so l? I thought it looked like a scout cus of the build but forsure between those 2

And you took the words out my mouth, they have a plethora of predators from the neca figures and like @DDA said alot of them come with lore already so the devs dont have to pop thier brqin trying to shovel up a interesting back story

Could very well be a Scout build as well, just trying to stay in the vein of what typical gladiator would look like, so muscular build but not overdone like Viking or Berserker.

And exactly. Look at this checklist for neca’s Predator line, there are SO many here that they could choose from that are much more visually attractive than a cosplay Pred, with much more interesting lore. They could release an entire Lost Tribe pack for like $20 and it would sell like hot cakes.

(I know a lot of these are variants but you get the idea on how many overall they could pick from)


Idk why they dont jus do these -_-

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Really just not interested

Exactly. And it must be peanuts to license them, doubt it would cost that much at all. And they could 3D scan the figure for the model, saves time and money for their devs compared to making it from scratch.

Notice something about all of them, though? They all LOOK like how a Predator should or would be. Even the ones with capes or cloaks and large, ornate masks, it makes sense for them to have that. There’s no samurai, Viking or Egyptian armor, there’s no weird half of a ship wheel sticking out, no weird fur in place of armor, and especially no flak jacket. None of these are cosplay Preds, they are all original designs and look distinctly Yautja. Why Illfonic couldn’t use any of these, or if they couldn’t, be as creative in designing ones they can, is beyond me.

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@moralez We need CraFHmaN Predator 😅

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This team is a little off-piste with the design thing

They also didn’t know about the Yautja Honor code during the Dev stream - which is staggering, given that this is one of the franchise/creature defining bullet-points

I still remember them wriggling and enthusiastically bouncing on their chairs about the exciting predators ahead - 😑

You dis mention that they used the alpha neca so i dont understand why they cant do more. Lets spam doom and ask him or someobe with a twitter spam em cus its a legit question

Tell me your joking -_- let me guess they made sure to highlight that predator was a big part of thier journey that blablabla everyone always says that shit then you find out it was jus PR

Yeah, it was a little worrying actually. The chat during both streams since launch lit up with dozens of questions about bug fixes and fireteam, which were ignored while they mused between themselves about things that were basic to the franchise

This followed the Gladiator skin reveal…

Every twitter/X post is followed by this sort of thing

It’s not just the diehards in this forum

Baffling how marketing/PR are getting this so very wrong

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At least the ps5 disc version is coming out next week with the jungle hunter

Smh and they cant even give an answer as to why somethin is not possible or anything -_-

I want my brother, Tracker, to be in the game.